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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. Idt she’s done anything really. She gets compared heavily to Lana but she hates it. I think she once tweeted something like “I stop reading reviews once they compare me to Lana” and obv ldr fans took it badly cus they’re dramatic..
  2. Ellie Goulding(tap management)’s album just got delayed from early Feb to the middle of March so I’m scared this is an actual possibility
  3. doesn’t make sense and if she’s continuing the line after &J, I don’t think BOZ would say the song should be titled AW&J, because surely he would just think it should be titled AW. The only way I think it works as AW&J is if the J is another descriptor or the end of a line. Like: Unless the A&W is actually something other than American Whore but I’m going to assume that it is for now.
  4. Y’all do NAWT listen to it omg.. do you really want your first experience of the track to be covered by SpongeBob playing in the background?
  5. Kind of need this.. but i think kuntsugi already teased the last lyric? he said it’s either opening or closing line and it suits a closing better i think
  6. delete mama you’re gonna get banned
  7. Some things last a long time would be a gorg last minute release, even just for streaming services
  8. All of those outfits are complementary. I only don’t like the ones w black ties. The rest are all gorgeous and the colours don’t match but they complement eachother. Lana’s colours are just ugly
  9. it’s such a hideous outfit I can’t.. I’ve been trying to convince myself that it’s cunt or high fashion but it’s just a little bit awful
  10. Imagine if Ben didn’t talent scout Lana like we really have to be grateful for him.
  11. I’ve said it tew many times now it’s depressing me to think about it anymore
  12. girl.. lemme take my record player on the bus with me
  13. it’s one of my fav Lana songs tbh which is why the off mixing/mastering/whatever is so bothersome to me.
  14. Honeymoon is probably the only instrumental album that I’ll listen to on the regular tbh.
  15. I know you’re probably just talking about personal experience rather than objective problems with the song but this is a point. Lana’s Cinnamon Girl teases were done in her car, and when it was released everyone was like “where’s the bass gone?” because it doesn’t sound like that via phones or AirPods or even decent headsets. I think Jack is a perfectionist and he loves all these little things he adds to songs, but once you leave the studio, those little things disappear and you end up with an overly compressed track. I remember a song (from COCC I think) that had like a dozen instruments on its credits but you literally can’t hear more than a handful of them. I’m sure in the studio you could hear them all clearly, but outside of it? Nah. Tunnels is already shaping up to be an improvement though!
  16. I actually love BB, the unreleased she added to it are some of my fav unreleased so that probably contributes. WFWF is a career highlight. It has its flaws and some of its lows are low I do think overall it’s gorgeous.
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