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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. the way I don’t even remember @111sayint it I just heard it somewhere and kept repeating it.. maybe i made it up
  2. maybe whoever sent the file to BOZ edited out the dua shade because they knew it would send BOZ into a fit of rage that would last weeks
  3. someone tell him to give us a hint on the acronym im so serious it’s pissing me off at this point like
  4. the way Kintsugi was making a joke probably to tease BOZ and called her duo linga.. gives me the same vibe as a certain 3 digit user..
  5. It’s been rumoured that Dua sampled Diet Mtn Dew in 2021.. I guess BOZ just confirmed it?
  6. The vibe I got from the album process discussion thread is that he works in the industry, but potentially not directly in relation to Lana. But he knows a lot of people who also work in the industry perhaps? The way he said it’s taken him years of research kind of suggests he gets his info from other people rather than directly. Also, it seems to me like all you need is a good few songs and you can pretty quickly build up a strong hardrive and info base just via trading or whatever..
  7. it doesn’t even matter bc if it’s only a guess or whatever then we’re not gonna know if it’s right or not.. also I find it weird he doesn’t remember where he saw it, he would surely check it out if he saw someone get it almost right. Like he’d investigate who they were and stuff at least..
  8. Someone ask him if this is useful or just a waste of our time https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13qRlTFlh_1HtxXvOTntDV-ZP6ltlvcvykMs4Sg7YD2o/edit
  9. COCC, TJF, VB, CG are the only ones that I can think of.. the crossed out ones went viral on tiktok so I’m not considering them. The outro to CG would be good, TJF makes sense w Sean, VB would be difficult to sample I think and I can’t decide if COCC is a fan fav or not.
  10. if there’s one thing surf noir gonna do, it’s gonna be delusional regarding the lizzy era
  11. I definitely think it’s this. Imo BOZ saying “has Lana ever sampled herself before?” was in reference to this because she had sampled herself in this exact song.
  12. It’s either searchable or it’s somewhere that you’d casually come across. If it’s searchable, we think it starts with God and is track 12 and was posted within the last week. That’s a lot of info for us to go off. If it’s something you’d casually come across, I’m thinking it’s something obvious. Like, we wouldn’t expect it but it’s something we could easily see and just not have noticed. I also hate that insiders have a sense of humour bc what if he was being sarcastic and it’s actually coachella or something
  13. I asked if they meant Lanaboards fan fav or tiktok fan fav and they said “fuck tiktok” so I’m assuming that means Lanaboards
  14. imagine that’s just the song like that acronym and it’s 1min15.. they did say there was some short short songs
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