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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. Only the bridge, the song in general is ironic in response to the hate she got in the media.
  2. She said in an interview the song was about an artist who came out and criticised her music for not being good for young girls (exactly what Lorde did) but then ended up copying her style (lorde tease)
  3. I’m thinking it has to be something that Cuntsugi would’ve come across naturally, so like an instagram post or something. But they know the title so they can just google it and see if it’s online anywhere, we can’t really do that..
  4. when you say fan favourite do you mean Lanaboards fan favourite or tiktok fan favourite?
  5. Someone called Kuntsugi ‘King’ right before he said there was a title with his nickname.. just thought it’s worth pointing out!
  6. I’ll definitely warm to it because it sounds cool but based on BOZ’s description, I really don’t think the pastor interlude is going to be anything other than jarring and unpleasant on first listen and I’m honestly terrified to listen to the album the first time around. At least I’ll have my Lanaboards sisters to listen to it with 🫶🫶
  7. The everything, whatever part is just so magical omg the best moment in music, ever. Period!
  8. Hi guys, can someone give me an update on what’s happened in the last 200 posts? Thank you
  9. you guys are so off i can’t explain it but y’all kind of scare me a little
  10. I think I’m in the minority here but the whole album needing to be experienced as a whole rather than standalone singles kinda scares me.. I’m the type to listen to an album once, pick my fav and then listen to it on repeat. And I am NOT afraid to skip a song if I’m not vibing with it in that moment or just don’t like it.
  11. We’re actually the greediest fan base ever like.. these hundreds of unreleased songs and dozens of released songs and we’re still begging for more
  12. I think both are Wild One, just earlier (unfinished) mixes were originally called Mike?
  13. i know you’re selling twenty million
  14. In the far, far future would you ever consider making those public?
  15. @BlackoutZonedo you have a spreadsheet or document or something similar that helps you remember all this? You don’t strike me as someone who’s just remembering this stuff off the cuff.
  16. “Hi Patrick, Lana’s lost her voice and really needs this to be finished by Friday - any chance you can help us out?” - eclipse probably
  17. I’m just imagining Patrick Warren and Eclipse in like a Black Mirror (shut up and dance) situation where Patrick is forced to make music for an anonymous email account
  18. Rick probably opened Fine China or SYTH and thought Lana had been cheating on him with other producers
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