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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. This almost brought a tear to my eye babe, hope you love it!! Everything we’ve gone through has been so worth it❤️❤️
  2. Ten days in HQ is her earliest leak I think. LFL was only 2-3days, NFR 5days edit: 12 days since apparently it’s been delayed to the 21st?
  3. When that critic from the guardian gives COCC a 2/5 rating and we get another QFTC with the new title?
  4. I think it would be amazing if she did a music video that resembled the Rockstar video by Nickelback. Like, just fans or general public or something which is just super laid back with Lana and randoms singing the lyrics at the camera. Lana would be so good with it
  5. BTD>literally any other song ever>ultraviolence=honeymoon>lfl(demo versions redeem this one)>chemtrails>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>**bar**>NFR
  6. this is the highlight from your manifesto i think.... can't wait to be reborn I’m sorry but this is literally the funniest thing I’ve read on this thread I giggled so hard it’s so dumb I love you guys
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