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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. I want Diamonds and Rust or Feelin Good by Nina imagine her million dollar man vocals on feelin good.. yup
  2. OMG if thunder’s been added and it’s already fully mastered and mixed then maybe that’s what she’s done w the rest of the songs? Like, scrapped the new songs she made and just added unreleased songs that she recorded years ago? What if that’s why Mike said Blue Banisters is still being worked on? Because that album’s been delayed but Lana doesn’t want to let us down so she’s compiling songs she’s already completed and have been fully mixed, mastered and registered so a release can still happen July 4th. Also explains why those three new songs were released together & why she might not be too bothered about physical copies.
  3. I agree that I just want new songs but also we can’t blame Lana for putting it there when it leaked? it might actually be her revenge xx Also, imagine a BAR 2.0 where she ruins it ?
  4. Get Drunk


    The way the album tracklist sounds SO lana like .. stoned at a nail salon, secrets from a girl (who’s seen it all)..... jack has truly seeped his venom into them both
  5. NFR pre-release was so fun bc there was stuff happening behind the scenes thag we could discuss like everything she did was discussed at great length and it was generally fun. Now, there’s nothing to discuss. It’s just the occasional selfie and we can’t do anything with that?
  6. I’m obsessed with this fanmade Wildflower Wildfires video like it’s so good.. Lana needs to take notes
  7. You're absolutely right omg.. she needs to stop with the songs that go nowhere, like with no buildup or climax. like WW was only good because of the production on the last minute, if she released a stripped back version it would be so boring i would zzzz out of there
  8. Get Drunk


    this is SO shady to jack omg replying to a tweet dissing him by saying that the only reason jack got to work on it was because he turned it down.. i KNOW jack is seething
  9. Maybe each song she releases is a little bit darker than the last that's why she's using the same picture but deteriorating it slowly omg
  10. Get Drunk


    Didn't this happen with love? it leaked so they rush released it and it really threw off the lfl release schedule. Also, the fact it got uploaded early by some streaming sites kinda supports that it was a last minute, rushed thing without proper planning anyway i absolutely adore this song omg it's so lorde to me? i don't stan her at all but i do like all her previous work and listen to it regularly and this seems to fit her sound completely. Very summery and as much as i hate antonoff, i can't fault the production really (except the instrumental seems to be what makes the song ebb and flow, rather than the vocals/melody which I'm not a huge fan of but I still think the instrumental is good enough to not mind it)
  11. Omg I googled to try to find if we have a thread on them (idk how to search this forum lmao) and found that Damon remixed BTD in 2012 omg two legends
  12. OMG I had a nightmare she messaged me something like “June 10th, 11th, 12th” so I posted the screenshots here like omg triple single? and she messaged me again calling me dumb and stupid and thag she hates her fans sometimes and to delete. but im not gonna delete I think June 10th is a nice date
  13. Hey, don’t have much time to check up a lot on here anymore but @diorleak is the only ‘source’ for Dealer June 1st/only source for dealer being rock candy sweet right? (Other than assumptions from the og tracklist).
  14. Also the opening of text book reminds me of “he calls me firecracker” from midnight dancer girlfriend for some reason x
  15. Sorry if this has been discussed already but who’s Jenny
  16. i literally had a heart attack until i remembered chuck omg
  17. Only three hours left right? Why is she releasing at such an awkward time if she’s not debuting it anywhere ..
  18. she asked Lana about QFTC, her thoughts on quarantine (which had received politically charged answers in previous interviews), and asked her to elaborate on all of her answers. she literally asked Lana about her controversies & then asked her to explain them, how is that not a set up bestie
  19. I love her but she absolutely set Lana up in a very twisted way.. I hope lana recognises that and is choosing not to use her to debut the songs, since this is meant to be a revenge album thing
  20. Omg so when’s the song actually coming out like where’s our countdown x
  21. Bye you were promoting Darla’s twitter on the chemtrails pre-release ?
  22. Is Lana even in those pictures am I blind omg
  23. With COCC I was team delusional but I never truly expected sep 5th date but this time around.. there’s sumn in the air and it smells like july 4th to me
  24. Agree, Mike could have just been referring to how he wants to mesh her sound with his, generally. Not specifically messing strings with his sound
  25. I think her insta queue broke omg
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