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moonbeam monsoon

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Everything posted by moonbeam monsoon

  1. With Lana it’s always about hyping the next thing the woman won’t ever just let us enjoy a victory. But also that energy is what I’m here for and it’s no doubt how she consistently produces great work - move on do better
  2. Not even, he’s just being supportive and trying to save face. He wouldn’t move his lazy out of NY for five min to record with her so she said got my lollipop bye no Jack
  3. My favorite pre-COCC moment, truly the stuff of legends. I tell myself it was cgi and most of the time I’m pretty sure it actually was cgi
  4. Born to Rock My Candy ? Rock Candy Girl ? Terrence Loves Rock Candy ? Let Me Love You Like a Rock Candy ?
  5. It’s genius. Ride one buzz wave in to start a whole new even larger monster wave Lana is a whole ocean confirmed
  6. This is promotion and she’s clearly unstable and I won’t ever forgive this she knows the power she holds and she’s flaunting that power I will not live on a forum or yes bitches I will but I will never forgive this I celebrate cocc sovereignty and she comes crashing back in I will not forgive edit ok she’s not unstable she’s the baddest but still ?
  7. This and daddy Rick’s promo on ig seems salty and like he’s bitter about something anyway
  8. My favorite reaction vid so far. Also loving Lauren and Larissa’s discography reactions but Fabrizio’s like mmm yes sir solid analysis how about we keep on vibing over this wine picnic you speak of. Denton seemed cautious or skeptical or something
  9. It’s beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me Baby what of it Late night TV, I want you to hold me like when we were kids under chemtrails at the country club I feel like I forgot one but I feel confident about these
  10. I love this so much. The big dirty american truck, Chemtrails in the sky, the folky carpet dress with those damn beautiful shoes, your font, actually why is this not the actual cover fr wow i like the group shot cover but this just threw the wispy Krug shot off that cliff
  11. I’m rollerblading 247 and it is happiness, only improvement will be when I rent the rink to skate to COCC in its entirety. We’re so close
  12. Uh, yeah. I did. Even if I didn’t, and with a title like Love Song I did, I can’t help the way my stomach reacts
  13. I don’t often admit this even to myself but since it’s being discussed I must confess that Love Song makes me actually physically ill. The melody is jarring for being so bland. I can’t put my finger on what’s off. It’s like a quiet screeching. A clawing in my gut. I think Lana knows it’s a rare true dud and that’s why she was almost over the top in pinning LS and its melody to Jack’s lapel. Someday I might barf. Truly I can’t even play LS in my mind. But I refuse to be afraid of Lana and a piano. Change is amazing. Let Me Love You Like a Woman, still love it and still repeat it, as recently as this morning still cry NFR has more than a couple very near misses. Maybe Jack knows they narrowly escaped a disaster with NFR that could’ve destroyed Lana’s career and so took a more executive producing role on COCC. That’s my hope. Rick and Zach were secretly in studio with her. Oh Emile too
  14. This guy’s performing a new song there’s hope yet
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