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tulsa jesus freaks

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Everything posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. maybe she's walking for a fashion show? or she will partner with gucci for her own line idfk
  2. tbh we said everything, at this point this bitch to surprise us all is gonna have to solve world hunger, discover time travel and free north korea all at once
  3. just another day of waking up to nothing good morning, who will fight today? are we gonna trash BB? is a new pic of someone having the vinyl gonna happen? a new target employee sending pics? a new potato quality snippet? someone else getting banned for posting links? are we gonna rank the albums and are we gonna speculate what the surprise is when we're really just saying the same thing over and over again? but most importantly, will it leak today? stay tuned to find out
  4. one thing is for sure Boz and Kintusugi are either going down or getting praised tomorrow and it's gonna be bad
  5. well we dont know if she's gonna perform but maybe kintsugi was talking about the grants when he said new music
  6. when the surpise is that she wrote a movie and she's gonna direct it and then time passes without her never acknowledging the project ever again and it becomes another lost idea by miss grant
  7. it's definitely not a performace cause boz said it's not connected to any of the album tracks, and i doubt a random cover would get him excited even if it was a dua cover or even duet, he said it was shocking and unbelievable
  8. the funny thing is that the taco truck link wasnt even real lol why did they do that sorry i know you said not to talk about it
  9. if the link would have taken us to the real songs they'd be a hero now but they didn't so they just dumb lmao
  10. i have not listened to the grants since it leaked and im trying so hard not to listen to it til tomorrow (it's monday here)
  11. well it's the 13th her which means there are 10 days left til the album is out cause in my heart im still hoping it wont be a WW release and NZ will save us as always
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