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tulsa jesus freaks

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Everything posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. not to be annoying but... 3 days til the week is over where is the surprise? and if it doesn't happen i think it would only be fair that Boz comes out and explains that maybe there was a change of plan or smth
  2. corpse also fits very well
  3. basically Sirens has to be in the album otherwise we won't be happy
  4. are there no mods in this thread? cause in the Ocean Blvd we can't even say that word
  5. thank you for clarifying
  6. why are some people on here complaning that some other people don't like the track? people have different music tastes and experience music in a different way, what's weird about that? we all knew that this album would have "something for everybody" meaning some people will like some tracks more and some people will like some tracks less, if you're so bothered by someone simply stating their opinion then you should log off
  7. wait i got a question Tunnel Vision (leak) is 3:28 Tunnel Vision (album version) is 4:44 does that mean that in the hatching video that acapella intro is also part of the Tunnel Vision rework and not a separate track?
  8. how long is Sirens? i'm too lazy to look it up
  9. just listened to Death, i liked it, 2:30 was my fav part, and tbh this song just confirms that Sirens would fit so good in the album, she's really dumb if she doesn't put it out i only have one critique which is that sometimes it feels like she is rushing to make the whole sentence fit in the melody also the ending got me curious
  10. i'm about to listen to Death wish me luck
  11. lowkey hope so, i mean Lana is a versatile artist but it does feel like in the last three albums (ocean blvd, cocc and bb) she is kinda not leaving a certain comfort zone she created for herself kinda relying on the same elements for most of her tracks minus some songs (i said MINUS SOME SONGS i swear if someone replys with "what about peppers??) and while the results can be great i feel like if she doesn't switch her main sound up a bit for the next album it could start to get very repetitive i mean just look at BTD-UV-HONEYMOON three completely different sounds back to back, that diversity is lacking in her recent projects and again, i'm sure Ocean Blvd is gonna be great, but for the next album i think she should go back to exploring again pls don't fight me if u dont agree
  12. just came back home and read 50 pages, here's what happened: - fighting over covid - peppers leaking in lq - people once again pretending that YTH isn't one of her best unreleased personally i will not listen to peppers just cause i want it in hq
  13. just came home and saw the news Moon Cycle? why is this woman sabotaging herself? the visuals for Death are a serve tho the only way for me to forgive her for putting Spider Web and Moon Cycle out is if she also puts N&T and Sirens
  14. okay guys im going to take a nap even tho i woke up 3 hours ago, when i wake up i expect nothing
  15. does this mean we still dont have snippets of 5 songs?
  16. well no ahaha i just meant that UV and NFR were the only albums that did not have the opening track released as a single and both are her best albums but Tunnel did have the opener released as a single, so no pattern here
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