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tulsa jesus freaks

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Everything posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. has anyone heard the singles on the radio? cause A&W is radio friendly when it comes to the sound but i doubt any radio played the full track, and the title track is not too radio friendly but maybe some radios played it idk
  2. i think i'm fine with that song playing right away + quick chit chat just in time to tell us the surprise and not enough time to say smth... questionable
  3. the way this pre-release is destroying our mental health one by one day by day 6pm in the uk
  4. thank you, was it that hard to say it like this even the first time? now i get it
  5. twitter stans? i only use twitter for porn idk what you're on about lmao i'm just saying that calling someone a "snowflake" is not the serve you think it is, like who does that? lmaoooo
  6. why are u using terms women in their 50s who support trump use to insult the other parties?
  7. i have no idea who this person is or what he has done cause i wasn't active during the BB pre release (sorry i wasnt too excited ) so sorry for not knowing this like it was common knowledge or smth ig ???
  8. omg calm down with the attitude it's not that serious this is why some of yall scare people away, be nicer!!!
  9. i mean did we not see a person literally having the same vinyl yesterday? obviously spotify messed up
  10. i'm talkin to him and idk what you guys did to him but he's upset and you digged your own grave with this cause he won't leak it cause he don't wanna get involved with lb anymore
  11. he said he already got his copy of the spotify vinyl and idk why you guys don't believe him like we literally didn't see a pic of another person already having it yesterday
  12. omg guys i dmed him and he's saying he's upset with LB, yall better behave this is our chance
  13. can yall stop with the petty fighting and focus on the fact that Ellagate is over and Arcadialovesong-gate just started? LET'S GET TO WORK C'MON NOW
  14. guys i think he was banned from LB or some shit, what if he's holding a grudge and he doesnt leak it?
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