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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. you literally said the exact same thing before bb came out
  2. we’ll find out he’s a clown (and so are we)
  3. we’ll call you whatever you want if you spill something good about what’s coming
  4. what you don’t tell no one you can tell me
  5. imagine her releasing a grandiose album when she’s still passionately in love with it and not 6 months later when she stopped caring…i’m scared to believe but i have HOPE as you say she’s 100% working on a new album and probably alot farther in the process than we think. something’s definitely coming soon and the album will be out before 2022 ends bookmark this. i’m just scared for what direction it could go cause we all expect bombastic rock and psychedelic pop but she could very well go the silent beet-nick, slam poetry with a single flute playing in the background, massage salon way but i’m either way so excited for a new direction omg
  6. what does a new trilogy even mean in this context and how on earth can eclipse know what she’s doing on her next 3 records? but something new wow i don’t know what i expect but as long as it’s new and well thought out (and SOON) we’ll thank god (i want trippy 70’s synth pop, more psychedelic rock and more orchestra aka no more cottage core music)
  7. yeah no let’s keep the pedo enthusiast, croaky lane and charli xbox far far away from lana tove lo…i’d like to see it
  8. pls she would’ve probably named her in qftc
  9. bitch don’t make me come knock on your door
  10. did he say if that’s the same collab he said comes out in february or is the fjm one another collab? cause i’m still holding out hope for the kali uchis collab
  11. no he wasn’t talking about the collab he’s talking about RCS/DNC whatever tf it’s called also we don’t really know yet if fjm is involved do we?
  12. is when you’ll finally get a job and stop lying
  13. i saw a tweet of someone speculating that IF she really switched her label, they probably want an album soon and won’t wait a year or two if they already gave her a contract, budget etc. her releasing new music so soon could play into that and it would tie into her doing something with the "bombastic" nfr scraps + everything she left off of blue banisters to finish a new album soon
  14. when santa finally gets you a job on christmas and you won’t have to play this wannabe insider role anymore >>>
  15. don’t worry i found one, he indeed said that the lyrics give very much lfl era vibes… another beachy summer record about the end of the world perhaps? if boz likes it it HAS to be really really good aka not another snooze ballad cause he hates those WE WON
  16. WTF??? really? got a screenshot of that?
  17. just read half a page in here and god pls some of y’all, ask santa for some taste and a hearing aid this christmas cause…
  18. that was for lana’s birthday which craig and fjm attended, i don’t think it means much more beyond that
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