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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. this is the biggest fucking joke ever omg i don’t know if i’m more pissed at them hyping it up to be some kinda perfect euphoria soundtrack just for it to end up in the end credits or interview magazine lying about lana being on the winter cover when she’s not... this fandom can never have anything
  2. lana girl put the mall dress on cmon the show is starting
  3. 🚨 GAGA IS CURRENTLY PERFORMING HORRIBLY IN THE MAIN ROOM 🚨 time to boo her off again like we did in williamsburg
  4. L-L-Let’s do drugs make love with our teachers
  5. i better win all my categories, c’mon let’s do what nfr couldn’t
  6. apparently every euphoria song gets added to TTH on spotify (their biggest playlist) so they normally should add WCE by monday. that would make it lana’s first song to appear on that playlist and it could make her streams jump tremendously
  7. i dont know what that is lmao but either way a HIT if it rises to 3M+ after the episode’s out
  8. wait so you’re really sure they are playing the other version tomorrow and just kept the "upbeat" one for streaming? cause i love the one we have but i also love having multiple versions of her songs
  9. WCE debuting with 1.7 million streams and being her 2nd biggest solo debut on spotify without the episode even being out AND the soundtrack supervisor telling Vogue UK that the song is perfect for euphoria and we’ll see why tomorrow… when when she gets nominated for the emmy then what?
  10. at this point i fear not even rick can save us considering the most recent song they made was floptender
  11. no they wanna stay miserable at all cost… and so do i WHERE ARE THE HANDCUFFS FOR MISS DIAMANDIS?
  12. i dont know i still think marina’s behind all of this but i can’t prove it…yet
  13. they’ll say it’s better just because it’s unreleased and will hate that one too the second someone leaks it
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