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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. rabbit

    Instagram Updates

    ? End of an era for sure. Feeling a lil more emotional about this than I should
  2. rabbit

    Instagram Updates

    Didn’t expect to return from a mini internet break to this news I’m going to miss her sporadic social media presence very much. Her posts felt personal, and her personality can be very cute/endearing. As long as this is a decision she’s making on her own and in peace, what else can we do but hope for the best. I will say, there are a few parts of the video I thought felt weird. When she said “I’m really, um, blessed...thank you” at the end, there’s something I can’t quite place that seemed off about it. There’s endless variables that could contribute to that, projection on our part, there could be some shit going on in her life, she’s just stressed about making this video... In any case, I hope she’s okay. And that she will come back to sharing things with us one day, if she feels comfortable ?
  3. Ordered the Target vinyl + CD, no waiting around today ??
  4. The interlude has had me all day, but a warm night walk is helping Arcadia settle. I’m so excited to examine it as whole within the record, because as a small piece it’s so captivating. If you think that you know yourself, you can come over...
  5. Ordered a transparent white, and the two exclusive CDs. Feels a little better, but I still can’t believe my dumb ass waited so long ? Sending yellow restock vibes to everyone
  6. Noooo, waited too long for the yellow. And that was the one that grabbed me the most! Hoping for a restock
  7. Lana plz drop a pale yellow nail polish
  8. God Knows I Tried 1: I Feel Free When I See No One 2: Begged, Borrowed, and Cried 3: God Knows I Tried 4: On Monday, They Destroy Me (Interlude part 1) 5: But by Friday I’m Revived (Interlude part 2) 6: Hotel California 7: Blinders in the Rain (Nothing Much to Live For) 8: Let There Be Light 9: Light Up My Life 10: Red, Blue, and Yellow Skies
  9. Page 2021 2022! Desperately hoping there’s a BB box set ? Will never get over NFR! not getting one...
  10. Arcadia Day is here Actually can’t believe it :’)
  11. I can’t believe this is going to be an actual album released by the real Lana Del Rey, the tracklist reads like a fan wishlist I love this woman and her art so much, it’s overwhelming
  12. It’s just win after win for us this week Absolutely floored at everything, Lana TAKE MY MONEY. I can’t wait to be broke tomorrow
  13. Tracklist + Sierra Madre pic today Album preorder tomorrow
  14. I never meant to be bad or unwell I was just living on the edge Right between Heaven and Hell And I'm tired of it
  15. Been trying to keep up while at work, what a wild ride Cant really process everything we’re learning, but this will be her actual best album. I can’t believe we’re getting on the same record. I cried when seeing the updated tracklist. This is the feeling I’ve been waiting for since Honeymoon ???
  16. I’ve never wanted to listen to something more but I’ll wait Sounds like Dealer is everything I ever wanted from Lana, give us unfiltered emotion, something truly so strange and wild
  17. You just made my morning omg Going to wait to listen, but ooooh the hype just got hotter ?
  18. Here’s the deal... 2 DAYS UNTIL ARCADIA 2 DAYS UNTIL PRE-ORDER
  19. Absolutely perched, no one captivates like Lana
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