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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Fine China vs Kill Kill
  2. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Carmen vs Salvatore
  3. moody weather had me listening to this all morning
  4. Yooo her vocals on this are amazing, thank you for the links I love the little lifts in her voice when she sings "hallucinogenics"
  5. rabbit

    Instagram Updates

    DAMN, these visuals are doing it for me. She's stunning Even more excited for this release!!
  6. Booo photo didn't work. Nevermind :,)
  7. Taste!! Love this song so much Agree with what everyone else is saying, Lana's vocals are divine on the track, but the track itself is whatever. Happy to hear her on something different, I guess.
  8. rabbit

    Instagram Updates

    He seems so basic. Beige energy. Not to mention his racist proclivities...
  9. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Edit: Us Against the World vs Backfire
  10. rabbit

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Emotional Machine is the only song from L+F that I still listen to, the rest is really forgettable :/ BUT the live shows to support that album were amazing! Can't wait to see her live again but with this new material
  11. Has anyone played the Cris Tales demo? The art style is what pulled me initially, but the gameplay and concept are so cool. I like the turn-based combat, as well! Right now I'm cycling through that demo, New Horizons, Dragon Quest Builders 2, and the Mario 3D collection. Can't believe I'm playing Sunshine again :,)
  12. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Is This Happiness vs God Knows I Tried
  13. So this is why COCC is delayed...
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