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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. Biden was not the best choice, but the establishment democrats won't let someone more populist take the reigns. HOWEVER, he's obviously a better choice than Trump! Being better than Trump is a pretty low bar, and truthfully it feels like that's all Democrats have run on since 2016. So I hope with the orange fuck out of office that policy and actual results will be the focus now. Aside from, you know, re-building and fixing everything Trump has torn down As an American, I'm so relieved that Biden is going to pull this off. Can't imagine the domestic and global damages another 4 years of Trump would have given us. But I'm not kidding myself into thinking everything is fixed. We still have a long battle ahead, and unfortunately when the corruption is harder to spot (aka, Trump is too stupid to hide the corruption and unethical things that are going on in Washington, while Biden is way more intelligent and craftier), it can be a whole different kind of challenge to rise to.
  2. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs Million Dollar Man
  3. rabbit

    Instagram Updates

    She's so beautiful Also, I love seeing her IG promo ads popping up :,) They're super cute, and serve as very nice reminders that progress is being made, and we'll be getting something
  4. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    The Other Woman vs Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
  5. Favorite live performance of this track
  6. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    So hard to choose, but Heroin vs Cruel World
  7. It's grown on me so much! Found myself playing it a few times on my way to work today. I adore the bridge. While the song isn't impactful in the same ways Shades, Heroin, Honeymoon, GKIT, Ultraviolence, etc. are, I try to not compare and take it for what it is. Viewed on it's own, it's a beautiful song. Simple, but it's not supposed to be anything else. With the abrupt ending, I reallllly hope it's the opening track. Would be a gorgeous way to send us into whatever Chemtrails turns out to be
  8. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Money Power Glory vs Heroin
  9. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Brooklyn Baby vs California
  10. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    The Blackest Day vs Get Free
  11. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    Shades of Cool vs The greatest
  12. They are so cute, looks like they're having genuine fun together
  13. Just listened. I really love her vocals in the beginning. Oh wow, very beautiful. Let me be who I'm meant to be, talk to me in songs and poems, don't make me bittersweet really got me :,) It ends very abruptly, I'm interested to see how it fits in-album!
  14. Saw the cover on a random Lana updates YT and I sincerely thought it was a bad twitter fake But, it's kinda funny, and will fit in nicely with her collection of "?????" single covers :,) Lyrics are really cute! Excited to hear the official release.
  15. Yikes. Definitely thought she would change into a proper mask for the event, but this is Lana we're talking about... I love her and her art, but my GOD this was a pretty selfish and/or tone-deaf thing to do. Hope she just keeps quiet for a bit, listens and then integrates what people are saying this time.
  16. Agreed! They captured the magical feel of both holidays for sure. I can't wait for a snow-covered island come winter time, it's gonna be so gorgeous
  17. Hmm, definitely a good case for using TT this month then. I'm so happy they stepped Halloween up for this title in the series, it looks amazing
  18. I'm waiting for Nook's to open for the pumpkin starts, but I cannot wait!! How are you liking it??
  19. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    The Blackest Day vs Honeymoon
  20. Received my copy I'm going to take some more time to pore over it, but it's so Lana. Love it!
  21. I hope this works Here is my current Lana collection, aside from Endless Summer and NFR! tour shirts, NFR poster, FIILY jacket, and Violet, which hasn't arrived yet <3
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