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Everything posted by violettiaras

  1. Maybe it’s only on the bolero/shorts but is there a budweiser logo or a marlboro logo with a lana lyric on it? I was so curious about that because you could kind of see them on the site
  2. Rob posted a picture with Chuck’s baby daddy so i’m assuming chuck’s there!
  4. “she is obviously in their inner circle” like maybe Taylor’s but not selena/bennys they just made that up
  5. i think you’re right on the song but it sounds like a live rendition to me
  6. i can’t make anything out 😭 but pleaseeee be fjm
  7. i would sooo wear that kind of nonsense like ughh… you’d get crazy looks from everyone “oh look at that crazy christian” “oh a fellow christi- who’s lana del rey? blasphemy!” true esoteric weirdoism
  8. Ohh just realized other than being cunt, its sort of like a play on born to die
  9. My Fun and Faded out now! I loveee the sound of my fun
  10. an ID? needing an id to enter is crazy… also yes i need a full breakdown
  11. Sorry but i hope not cause then all the press will just be about Taylor then like this is LANA’S moment. Also logistically it wouldn’t work cause I feel like there would be a stampede 😭. Father John Misty I would love as a guest to debut Let The Light in. Plus he inspired Coachella- woodstock in my mind and shes always said her favorite live show is from him like it would make so much sense…
  12. omg definitely need a lasso feature
  13. omg check your emails the newsletter is sending out a thing to get a chance for vip passes if you have Coachella tickets already!
  14. I hope they just would rather have the followers/ focus on their personal accounts and are still gonna tour cause they’re too good
  15. dark but just a game (i’m so lana brained..) new word: mug
  16. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLA2UgvH/ Don’t know if this has been posted on here somewhere but this is a video of Lana filming (so she’s not in it) Holly playing the song.
  17. She definitely needs to do Coachella. Even casual fans who don’t know the song would be into it just cause of that opening line, I could definitely see people walking away from the night and having that be like THEIR song from that point on. The only thing is she better not make any boneheaded comments about world affairs right now when she introduces the song if you catch my drift.
  18. maybe i’m crazy but the only “flaw” in this album to me are that the transitions are toooo good to the point that they’re necessary. like for example you almost can’t listen to ya ya without playing oh louisiana next, which i guess makes the replay potential lower cause you don’t always want to listen to a full album. but for the meantime i will be listening to the whole album in one sitting iber and over until i get tired of that
  19. violettiaras

    Song vs. Song

    tv in black and white vs she’s not me
  20. So many things wrong with this, like there’s the obvious fat shaming, then there’s reacting to something m*rilyn m*nson did with anything other than contempt, and finding a joke a 6th grader could come up with ”hilarious”…. its just awful actually not even a little funny.
  21. When the world was at war we kept dancing new word: smile
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