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Everything posted by violettiaras

  1. yes or with her backstory he gave i think a few facts were a little off.. i was like girl be calm but she was on board
  2. The spotify speech literally leaving her speechlesss… guys we need to switch to apple music i’m afraid its getting removed tonight
  3. “you did so well” shes so kind! also omg he’s still going.. i started screen recording
  4. lanas music taste went down the drain is this really a friend of hers like they said omg
  5. Imagine if they invited a spotify representative here lol
  6. they really suing spotify omg.. also you’d think a music event would have mics that handled applause better
  7. He sounds pissed like I’m on the edge of my seat actually waiting for him to get nasty.. he just said he wants to take them to court basically im gagged
  8. I haven’t found any pictures of her there yet but the host said so
  9. like a fucking dream im living in. ok i know he’s the nmpa pres but he gave a wuote on lana recently so maybe hes introducing her
  10. priscilla’s here i hope we get a picture with her and lana. i really thought lana was gonna sing it lol
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