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Everything posted by violettiaras

  1. there are hydrangeas on my other thigh and fire that surrounds you
  2. I’m still so sad I couldn’t go to the concert I had tickets for (due to it being 2 hours away and transportation plans fell through.) cause being able to go ONE concert and hear 99% percent of their songs is insane. I also hope Girl I’ve always been gets added at some point I think it shows her versatility well.
  3. https://www.instagram.com/stories/sagiscer/3380918306779579247?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== The setlist. “intro freestyle- no tc” does anyone know what means? I hope her new tour manager or someone is able to get her to show up on time cause there’s no reason she should be skipping so many songs consistently.
  4. The crowd goes crazy every single time.. she needed to bring him out at coachella so badly
  5. 100%. They’re a crutch for her so she has something to do on stage to look exciting and feel comfortable or whatever but it ends up being so limiting. If I were her I’d focus on live vocal training to feel comfortable instead. It amazes me that she says she never takes lesson or has a coach or anything. Like… why not?
  6. @Dominikx4 your story for bartender sent me 😭
  7. he ended it with chuck right in front of him i know he for sure is trying for a selfie with her 😭
  8. everyone goes CRAZY for west coast and she still skips it
  9. “why is she not singing?” good question!
  10. honestly like.. its SO unprofessional and it’s one of my biggest pet peeves in life. like to the point where i’ve had coworkers fired for chronic tardiness and i’m like i don’t even feel that bad for you cause thats what you deserve. she was so late in west virginia girls in the rows around me were considering leaving
  11. a music video for a did you know song. like even just iphone footage
  12. it’s not an actual book, but its like early-mid 1900s jazz songs that are considered classics/standards because they get covered year after year. stuff like fly me to the moon, and blue skies which she covered recently. hoagy carmichael and irving berlin songs are usually considered that
  13. everyone up in arms about a country album and slowly coming around to it and now she’s like well no! i’m completely blanking, other than beyonce who went country?
  14. valewww on instagram or something like that. i had no clue they were married but i think she’s like 7-10 years younger than charlie or something
  15. they reminded me so much of the keds she designed. I saw a picture of the back of these somewhere too and there was another design there.
  16. The cop picture is from when he got arrested last year for setting off fireworks illegally, Julia posted it again for his birthday right like it’s clearly tears of laughter.. everyone needs to leave my esoteric witch house it boy alone.. from what i can tell he seems to stay friendly with a few of his exes (or he just has a lot of female friends), so i don’t think he’s as much of a freak as he appears lol
  17. i’m so obsessed… not us joking she was joining sexyy red and she actually did
  18. while i think it’s definitely lana’s decision and her right if she wants to reconnect with her mom, that is definitely not patty lol. and i think usually when celebs rent vans like that for events they get a chauffeur too. it wouldn’t make sense to have security guards and be like yeah whatever, just put my 70 yo mother who i haven’t talked to in almost 10 years behind the wheel.
  19. https://x.com/ldraddic/status/1792356828044816646?s=46 yayyy
  20. Sooo she didn’t join megan i guess. is she blending in in the crowd?
  21. but what the hells going on with that makeshift dress and she should sing SYTH in honor of its anniversary
  22. the transvestigation movement is so odd, and also ruins the old anti lgbt argument that “it’s only like 1% of the population so it’s obviously not natural and an anomaly”
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