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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. It's ok! I don't remember seeing 18.8M. ?
  2. It still shows 18,7M for me. I don't know if this is accurate: https://instastatistics.com/#!/lanadelrey
  3. Okay! I must admit that my EP, which initially had 5 songs, is getting bigger with each audition on the album. I said that maybe I needed a little more time with these songs and it looks like it's working. I have been listened to White Dress, Yosemite, Dance Till We Die, For Free and Let Me Love You Like A Woman with more attention and I have been enjoyed what I hear. On the other hand, I'm still fighting with Breaking Up Slowly.
  4. Imagine Cola's first audition... Her father seems to appreciate her work a lot. Her mother is a mystery. ?
  5. lol ? I'm straight and Lana and her art never scared me, on the contrary, they have always been much more interesting to me exactly because I will never fully understand her. And I don't even intend to. The mystery attracts me. And I even understand the critics' fear of dealing with the unknown, but hatred is not justified. It seems that they tried to take she down at the beginning, failed and became hateful - Petridis seems to be one of them. Some men also have problems dealing with successful women. Let them die of hatred!
  6. I once heard from a college professor that some men tend to be afraid or hated of everything they cannot understand because, in their mentality, it is these things that make them ignorant. Thinking that way, Lana scares them because she was always a mystery to them.
  7. "3. Fans"... Poem or song, it doesn't matter! This is where she will drag us.
  8. For now, 82 on Metacritic with 26 reviews. Are there two reviews of Pop Matters?
  9. Well, I called my father stan to get his opinion about Chemtrails - We usually listen to the albums together, but this time it was not possible because of the lockdown. He told me that Chemtrails is his favorite album beside Honeymoon and that the songs he liked the most are: Chemtrails, Let Me Love You Like a Woman, Tulsa Jesus Freak, Dance Till We Die, Wild at Heart and For Free. He also said that he was very impressed with White Dress and Not All Who Wander Are Lost, with the way she sings, and that Tulsa Jesus Freak is so good that he wants to get a girlfriend to dance together - Since he's now single. ? I-
  10. The power she has! After that, I bet none of us looked at a can of Pepsi Cola in the same way. Well, if this is going to be a "polemic" album, where she will relive old themes, bring Pepsi Cola back, renewed. Or another flavor. lol ?
  11. The way she sings in Yosemite, starting at 0:45, reminds me of Lust For Life - Max Martin Demo 3.
  12. It's right that my ears are deceiving me, but I hear "Amen for you" in the background, sometimes. lol
  13. Hey, take it easy! Whoever threatened the journalist with death is this "fucking idiot". Although it is somewhat unnecessary to bring all this back months later (Lana could have her revenge in another way, silently), it's still her right to express herself about something that bothers her. And let's be fair, the media is used to hitting her and she doesn't fight back. But it looks like that has changed. In addition, the journalist had the attitude of publishing that text - bad, at best - and it seems that she hinted that maybe she would publish another of the same style, hours ago. So she also has to deal with her stuffs and with a possible response from Lana. ??‍♂️
  14. She deleted the stories.
  15. We must not forget that she is much more canny and accurate when it comes to the lyrics of her songs than when she is giving interviews or tries to articulate her thoughts in any other way.
  16. I like a Grandma stan! ? And it reminded me that I still haven't asked my father what he thought of the album and what his favorite songs are. ?
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