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Everything posted by Offtotheraces01

  1. About a&w, it could be American whore, but there’s also restaurant chain named after the brand. We had a few in upstate New York
  2. Ya but Lana was directly referencing a 10th album a few weeks ago… not being Delulu… but interesting
  3. Also: is anyone else confused about it was originally being called her 10th album, but now now everything’s saying it’s her 9th?
  4. Also, some of her best covers ever IMO, I instantly knew the references and she looks SO STUNNING
  5. I’m sorry but American whore sounds literally so iconic as a title I’m claiming it now
  6. There’s always some sort of meltdown before she announces so I’d say we’re headed in the right direction!
  7. Guys omg it’s only 10:15 on the east coast😭 give the lady time to wake up and have a cigarette and a coffee JEEZ
  8. Theoretically less than 24 hours now if she announces east coast time.
  9. Yes, I had fell in love with Lana after honeymoon when I was like 16 and 17 when lust for life came out! She’s been my girl 😭
  10. Lana always seems to release when I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and honestly, kinda slay like she’s so mother for that.
  11. It would be crazy if she named the album “The Revenge of Lana Del Rey” or something, i don’t think it was insignificant she referenced hbtb before she deactivated. Peace by vengeance brings the end (?)
  12. Does anyone think that Lana could have the tracklist on her phone screen on jacks post?😭😭 I could be reaching, but it does look kinda like a list format
  13. I’ve been telling y’all New York sound is coming back. Something lately has been giving old school Long Island glamour and YALL ARENT READY
  14. Tea, i feel like this is the first era where we really have no idea what’s going on and I like it.
  15. Someone should recap everything we do know so far
  16. What if plastic bag lyrics are for Rockefeller? I think they could flow well together
  17. I feel like we’re gonna be gagged, like Anna always makes here look super glam and Neil always bring out such a beautiful vibe with her
  18. Wait…. Does this mean Anna Cofone wasn’t messing with us back in July?😭😭 I love when she works with Lana she really knows how to bring out that old Hollywood glamour but make it fresh. I told y’all months ago be prepared for dramaaaa;)
  19. She seemed so excited when they asked her ab the album! I feel like her whole team has been really hyping this project up for a while and I think there have been little hints here and there as to what’s gonna happen but it could be so many things kekfjskskxk
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