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Everything posted by SalvaWHORE

  1. I just re-listened to ARTPOP and after all these years, i still feel sorry for this album fate. It deserved better and Gaga should make another daring project like this one more time.
  2. ummm....WHERE IS THE INTRUMENTALS OF THIS MASTERPIECE? Lana? Like she can release something like "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass (Ambient Edition)" on spotify tho.
  3. I still yet to give up my hope on a "spacey-jazzy" lounge sound for her music direction
  4. Manifesting an official announcement on 29-31st July
  5. I love this idea. Maybe with painting canvas (à la bombastic NFR sequel) & her naked but we see pose like put the sword in her back, ready to attack something (like Grimes in Player of Games)
  6. Okay anyone responsible & have the authority needs to hire more securities for her ASAP because this is really not okay. And if its neccessary, she should just move out of LA, maybe there are a lot of these creeps know where she lives in LA already. I dont want to expect the negativity but the fact she's a US citizen - a 99% messed-up country with so many holes in their gun law system & these stalkers are mostly not mentally stable FOLLOWING HER AROUND, LOOKING FOR HER ADDRESS, STEALING HER VEHICAL. This is extremely disturbing & really makes me scared for her well-being. I dont even want another Christina Grimmie, John Lennon, Selena shit to happen to any celebrity even if i dont like them. And imagine while dealing with these creeps, she probably too scared to even leave her house just to buy groceries. This is UPSETTING.
  7. I actually like this take - "all roads will lead to exit" sounds like the album will have an "outro" track as 'exit music' the more we get into it, the more the Maze card makes sense
  8. Okay after thinking & contemplating - here is my delulu take on the cards (please God let this be a sign from Lana) i randomly drew after casting a spell to ask them about LDR9 The Big - album title clue - Yes, this is indeed another "shockingly" impactful album title. It's not going to be something so usual like "Paradise" or "Honeymoon", it's going to be "Norman Fucking Rockwell" level (à la the latest @Elle dream about a super long / complicated album title as well), so its either going to be like extra, expressive & out there like "NFR" or its going to be complex, but will be inpactful & iconic regardless (Blue Banisters was a boring title tho, but i still love the song). The Sword - album artwork clue - this gives me a cut-throat kind of cover. It's going to be something against our expectations, even aesthetic standards. Its going to be something really "in your face" (since Lana said it's an angry album). It might be giving "battle for your life, Babylon" energy, bad bitch Lana for sure. The Change - soundscape - indeed a new sound direction from her (but to be honest i am scared that Change means the "Change" song itself - a piano ballad = perhaps a whole album full of piano lullabies, which I dont manifest at all, dont bully me) And also, whats interesting is The Change card resembles a chameleon - which reminds me of that "My mother told me that I had a chameleon soul..." line in Ride Monologue. Which we really need to get into The Silent - Album release time - Well, so far, what do we have? Silent. Zero thing to be heard or ensured from any insider (still count on you @DragonWhore), I dont think the card neccessarily tells us when this album is out but reflects this phase of our pre-pre-release time - Silence. But this could be a sign for a surprise release / surprise announcement 24h before the official drop (like what taylor did with folklore/evermore) - Everything must remain silent until then. Side bar: In the anime, "Silent" card also has the ability to push anyone who makes any sort of noise far away from itself, keep the atmosphere around it remain silent & peaceful. I really think this might have something to do with LDR9 overall theme. (And streets were saying that Lana's team has been shutting down all the possible leakers this time around, make them go silent). The Maze - Album Lyrical content - Conversational, wordy, complex lyrics which might be more difficult to figure out, just like a maze - in this case, maze of her mind. The Shield - What the album will represent - This album will be her angry album according to her & for a person like Lana: to be angry is to be defensive, hence what she said on Twitter back then, something like "Woman still cant be mad?" - a commentary on society for criticizing her for being mad & angry rationally. Your anger is your armor, what protects you. This is might be what this album represent - her armor. And The Shield & The Sword are two cards that go hand-in-hand in this Clow card deck. While Sword can turns Sakura's sealing wand into a powerful weapon, Shield makes up an invisible force surrounds Sakura to protect her in the anime. I drew out these 2 for the same questions about LDR9 & its not a coincidence
  10. Okay guys, since we have nothing to do. I decided to use my delulu dark magic & manifested it to ask the Clow cards (if u watch that Cardcaptor Sakura anime, you'll know what is up) about the LDR9. These are six cards I've just drawn from the deck to give us some clues to answer 6 following questions that I asked about Lana Del Rey's next era: 1. Album title - i got The Big 2. Album artwork - i got The Sword 3. Album soundscape / sound direction - i got The Change 4. Album release time - i got The Silent 5. Album lyrical content - i got The Maze 6. What this album/era represents - i got The Shield Feel free to make your speculation of what these all mean based on the cards i drew. Forget the insiders, this is a sign from Lana herself (yes, i contacted her through the cards)
  11. anybody knows if there's a masterpost of St. vincent
  12. My top 10: 1. Savages 2. Sex Yeah 3. Fear & Loathing 4. Teen Idle 5. Radioactive 6. Buy the Stars 7. Solitaire 8. Pandora's Box 9. Numb 10. End of The Earth
  13. think bigger: how about her releasing the whole A.K.A album with "Trash Magic", "Disco" & "Wayamaya" as bonus tracks
  14. I personally cantt even care less about these tiktok kids nowadays start to act special from knowing her music (tho some of them do some clown shit) but at the end of the day homegirl is gettting her COINZ so i'm happy for her regardless
  15. it's the demand honey, the public is 10+ years late for Lana's greatness that she is let's be fucking honest
  16. All the songs in LDR9 tracklist right now: "Okay who is Young And Beautiful? show yourself"
  17. SalvaWHORE

    Billie Eilish

    TV is so beautiful The 30th maybe one of the best song of the year.
  18. y'all better stream the f out of Million Dollar Man & get it to 100M so that we can ask Lana to actually give us another "one for the monayyy-waorrro~oghhhh, two for the showwww-ogh-ogh-oghhhh i luv you hunny & for the very last time: I'M FINE, i'm ready to gooooo..." screaming & growling kind of serve for LDR9
  19. 3M NOW!!! BTD STANS TIME TO GO APESHIT & host a streaming party this weekend ASAP!!!
  20. you to babe. And yes, MTWBT, WC, OTTR, IMF, dealer & BBS??? you are taste-certified
  21. SalvaWHORE

    Billie Eilish

    I love Sour but let's be honest, it's nowhere near HTE
  22. or it's "fuck Marina fuckkk, yes, fuck, fuck me Marina fuck me"
  23. I just had a dream that the album would be called "Kill The Vultures, Feed the Culture" - one of my made-up album titles
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