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Everything posted by mezzanine

  1. mezzanine


    This is amazing, could I get the link please?
  2. the way they're gonna support gay interns economy by hiring thousands to sign cards for the next 2 months with a "ldr xx"... I can't believe that you guys are being charged 23$ per cassette in the US... they like to rip us all off but jesus christ... edit: and the way cassette #3 cover is probably an iphone picture at the beach that is unrelated to country clubs anyways just bought all 3, this woman is gonna ruin us all
  3. mezzanine

    Lady Gaga

    She needs to stay away from bad-aging, cheap EDM and these producers she's stuck with, they've completely ruined a good concept. Jessie Ware showed how you do a proper record inspired by 70s/80s/even 90s vibes, even if Gaga herself had in mind a more-90s concept. These producers are not house, they're kind of gay-circuit fast food producers, maybe tech-house, but not house. Free Woman demo had a house vibe, but not the rest. And guess what it is now: a song that everybody skips. She should have got the producers Dua got for her remix album (even though I don't like those remixes much either), to start from scratch with them. People like Moodymann, Gerd Janson, Avalon Emerson. Examples: (just as examples of sound) I mean... you're Lady Gaga. You can literally get anyone you want. But she's fed up with the pop/stan world as you guys have mentioned, that's the first problem, and the second one is that, even if she kept the distance with the fan world, she'd need creative, new and fresher people surrounding her, not the alienating ones that [from the outside] looks like they're standing behind her just for the money, fame and clout, and they're totally disconnected from the vanguard/underground scenes around the world. I mean, imagine if she had done the album with the mentioned producers and then released chromatica: dystopian with a darker, techno sound with lady starlight (she started with her and now she's getting bigger and bigger collaborating with rodhad, surgeon, etc., which are super talented) etc., which would even make sense, as going back to her roots and days of performing in underwear setting fire to hair spray in festivals. Something like:
  4. mezzanine


    I'm shocked, I have problems processing death in general, I wasn't even following SOPHIE super closely (regarding latest leaks, etc. etc.) but I got to meet her once, she was super nice and friendly, and the few times I've made it to see her on stage, all of them have been a blast. She was only 34, enjoying a night with friends... maybe it's also disturbing for me because we've been reprogrammed to see and know everything through social media, and her closest people sharing pictures of her or black squares but not giving much more it's weird: of course, why would they, they owe us nothing, we were not close to SOPHIE and this is about her privacy, but at the same time, when people get attached emotionally to somebody, to tease this and not give a better context to understand and make peace with this... it makes it worse, at least for me
  5. I've purchased it I'm seeing them on ebay already... for 150$. The world is crazy
  6. so this means that there's no other picture disc, right? the spotify one would be the second and last
  7. Hey guys! I live in Germany and I was thinking on buying the spotify picture disc, but since I cannot order it from the UK store, my plan is to wait until they release the cassettes (Feb 1) so I can merge it all in one single USA order (and not pay for extra costs twice ). Should I just buy it now just in case they get sold out? Did you manage to use a discount code in the end? To pay 50 dollars for a vinyl... just hurts me, also because it will come in a single plastic sleeve and nothing else, and I've already bought the red and the yellow ones, so I want to take the most convenient/money-saving option...
  8. To remember the tour we never went to
  9. mezzanine

    La Femme

    I meant it for the previous videos, like the S.S.D. one, etc.
  10. Why isn't she doing picture discs anymore (except Violet)? they could literally bleed us out with some cool merch without effort, and all we get is the same vinyl in 6 different straight colors
  11. mezzanine

    La Femme

    I feel you, the songs that I like from them I really like them, but the ones that don't catch my attention... I really pass over. I recommend you Couteau, I believe that it isn't in the physical versions of Mystère, maybe you know it already anyway. Their weakness, for me, are the videos, I think that it's in purpose but I've never been a huge fan of this digital-rawness-fake-documentary wave that I've seen in other french artists, but I guess that it makes them even more "authentic" if it's really a thing and that it's just not my vibe. On the other hand, the Paradigmes cover and the theme of these 2 latest videos really catch my attention, if they present the entire album as a cabaret, I think that it's gonna be a great twist of the limited resources we all have during this pandemic. Disconnection is strange, but it really gets me with the banjo, etc., I'm excited to listen to the whole LP
  12. mezzanine

    La Femme

    La Femme (Wikipedia) Albums Psycho Tropical Berlin (2013) Mystère (2016) Paradigmes (2021) [to be released]
  13. Yes, it's very weird to see like +6 different vinyls with no different content or changes at all but the color... I've bought the yellow and the red ones on that nl store to just have both covers... and regarding the cd I'm considering buying it on that german import shop, but for 30€ and without knowing if it will have anything different I'm just doubting... what would you guys do? I mean, I can just wait, I think that they'll import a considerable amount... I hope lol Ugh, I hate this, it' stressing me for some reason
  14. I hope that she releases a better pack or more merch - I've purchased the red vinyl, the yellow one and the cassette
  15. mezzanine

    Azealia Banks

    Plus, she's not even THAT talented, she's basically a fraud that was well advised by someone that, judging by what she's been releasing during the last years, dumped her when he/she got sick of her lol Her best/classiest tracks are actually instrumentals that she just asked for permission to rap over, her only decent songs are machinedrum, lone, etc. 's existing, not-azealia-influenced, already-by-then finished productions.
  16. mezzanine

    Azealia Banks

    There are fans of AB saying that she was actually looking to re-settle the cat and looking for someone else to adopt it, then the cat "died"... plus, all of us that have/have had animals living with us know how attached to them you get, they become a part of your family, how do you dig up while singing or mocking about it while recording it with a friend, then posting it on instagram with another video of the remains and the skull literally going afloat... plus we know that she's killed animals before, let´s remember the closet of the chickens she'd decapitate herself + leaving the blood and remains get dry and rot for months or years (said herself). Mark my words: before this decade ends, we'll read about her being involved in human murder, and if not she'll end up injuring herself/somebody else with permanent damages, or worse, she will be dead before 2030 (don't get me wrong, I don't wish this for her, but it looks like this, and then everyone will be like "oh, how did this happen, she was funny, we laughed at her sh*t on Instagram). If no one sees the red flags this kind of f*cked up crap is... And I don't care about the religion card, aztecs sacrificed virgin women and babies and ate their organs raw, thank Universe we're not at that point anymore, beliefs are supposed to evolve with us as well, plus one thing is spirituality and something different a dogma or ending other lives for them then using it to not taking accountability for your own actions. And to finish, unpopular opinion: if she wasn't black she would have never got to this point, she would have never made it out of her homophobia, transphobia, racism, fake abuse claims proven to be fake, med/mental condition-shaming, body-shaming, cultural appropriation of African and South-American cultural aspects she has NOTHING to do/she's not related to, and the list goes on and on, but well, that's another topic on cancel culture and hypocrisy of the mental dump that especially twitter and instagram are.
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