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luna de miel

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Everything posted by luna de miel

  1. I'm really glad Hollywood was uploaded in the midst of ocean leaks bc I needed something comforting and familiar to keep going thinking this be her best album to date ttho
  2. how have Lana never included an engagement ring in her merch that would be so iconic fr
  3. do we actually think the vinyls are already being sent out tho? is there proof? i mean people are always making fakes at this part of the rollout lolol
  4. we're getting close this album is going to be huge. The fact that Lana surpassed 40m monthly streams for the second time of her career, the first time being after the Taylor boost, tells all
  5. i swear u mentioned lana mentioning fingertips more then lana mentioned fingertips 100% worthy of the hype tho EDIT: THAT WAS NOT THE PIC I INTENDED BYEEE IM GOING TO BED
  6. my curious ass just had to open every single one even though i knew i would hate it i feel like i'm in 8th grade
  7. Sean really stole the spotlight from K didn't he
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