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Posts posted by Bonita

  1. i haven't listened to the leaks but i wanted to bring up an interesting insight...


    everyone knows the album cover is a reference to the "This Property is Condemned" soundtrack, but could it be that the album is meant to evoke a film score?


    BOZ has said that the whole album is narratively driven - like films - and if this is what's trying to be achieved with this album that makes me even more stoked :wub:


    to those who listened to the leaks - any thoughts regarding this? :flutter:

  2. 32 minutes ago, lili said:

    When she says "Other men I met felt right/ Would smile at you and stick a knife in your back/ Finally I met you so I'm not wondering why". With all the recent Sean drama aside, as it renders all the sentiment shared in these lyrics defunct... Still I wanna know, I really do, what it must feel like to love someone so much that they make all the suffering brought upon you by others before almost a necessity, because you had to get lost that way to arrive at "the one", so you understand why what happened with others happened. I really do hope someday I'll understand. <3 


    it kinda doesn't render it defunct... she kinda thought it was it but you know...

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