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Posts posted by Bonita

  1. 6 minutes ago, barttttender said:


    Act 1 is pretty solid, indeed. 

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    Sweet has grown on me. It's like a little number from a Broadway musical.


    But the last one (Side D) is the one I'm living for personally.


    Also, somewhat unrelated: feel like Lana closes her albums with a song, and then the next album starts where that album finished. For example, Get Free moves onto Norman ("into the blue" as in "into the surf"), Sweet Carolina into the Grants (family into family), etc. If f Taco Track is an indication of her next album, then count me in all the way! A full album of latina trip hop vibes, please


    for sure!!! all the openers and closers are connected and ALL the albums are connected she knows what she's doing :oprah3:

  2. 5 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I only listened to the singles (+ Fingertips) so far and from what I imagine with the descriptions the order is a bit weird cause yeah side A is really cohesive (I guess Sweet is similar too) and A&W works as a transition track cause

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    side B seems like it's going to be wild but then the heaviest (lyrically) tracks like Fingertips and Kintsugi are between that B part and the side D bops so :thumb2:


    I guess it makes sense to mix it up a bit so you have 2 "vibes" alternating on the album and not just two parts if it makes sense 




    the reason i brought it up is because BOZ hinted at how this album is narrative oriented... The first 4 tracks are all about Sean and continue from Blue Banisters's themes and we got to see an entirely different side to that relationship. Side A tells an entirely cohesive story and tbh might be neck in neck with thee ICONIC 3 track runs of NFR. I've only read lyrics and if she's somehow just having fun near the end it's gonna obviously culminate to that. A&W - a character study of the "American Whore" - leading into the Judah interlude is kinda genius considering what we know off what he yells about + the instrumental. Kintsugi and Fingertips ruminations about life and death after campy necklace and the other interlude... and how a song about leaving (Paris, Texas) is somehow a sister track to a track about what to do when you think you've found the love of your life (Margaret) I cannot fucking wait I could ramble on and on but ugh I CANNOT WAIT


    p.s. in case you couldn't tell I AM TEAM SIDE A jk i love all of em :illumarina:



  3. a lil theory



    it's pretty evident the album is going to be divided into sections from the tracks we know of... like Act 1 could consist of The Grants to A&W and Act 3 for sure would end with the last 3 tracks: Fishtail to Taco Track. 


    we won't know what each act/section or whatever you're gonna call it consist of which tracks but i feel like Act 1 is solid so far :oprah3:


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