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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. Her look is stunning and the most important thing is that she was one of the few that were actually on theme the shoes are giving furry
  2. The dress,the hair with that bow , the beach boys also guy fieri
  3. Deadly  Nightshade

    Taylor Swift

    Omg thank you <3 I’ve loved your posts since my lurking days
  4. Deadly  Nightshade

    Taylor Swift

    I know that nobody cares just wanted to write my thoughts down
  5. it's so cute that he constantly comments under random posts praising her
  6. Deadly  Nightshade

    Taylor Swift

    Aaron Dessner the producer you are
  7. Deadly  Nightshade

    Taylor Swift

    Standouts from my first listen of the standard version were (without a specific order) 1.Fortnight 2.So Long, London 3. Florida!!! 4.The Alchemy 5. Clara Bow 6.Fresh out the slammer 7. I can do it with a broken heart The rest felt a bit samey to me on first listen but time will tell especially after more listens of the whole album. Also please the charlie puth lyric i had the same problem with name dropping in blue banisters (title song) as well
  8. Deadly  Nightshade

    Taylor Swift

    Having my first listen rn so excited
  9. it's a personal preference as well but deciding to include Arcadia for Coachella's setlist was a questionable choice..
  10. i meant west coast i forgot to write it in full lmao
  11. the intro + outro and her singing without you ( + WC for a minute or so ) were the highlights of the night for me Imo she should have included trumpets/horns in more parts of her performance
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