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Everything posted by fl0r1dakil0s

  1. some photos i took of the planes with lana signs on them.. they seemed to fly all the way down santa monica + venice beach since they went way past where i could see before they turned around
  2. maybe it was on purpose then? i just don't see how EVERY record store could get the wrong date from lana's label
  3. not this.. NOBODY BELIEVES U.. anyways ratio'd by sexy lana outtake
  4. don't we all already know they aren't real insiders and have no information
  5. anyways let's cleanse this thread with some paris match outtake previews ! she was serving
  6. there's guitar throughout the song, i don't think they are talking about the "waaaah wha wha wha wha wha whaaaa" guitar sounding part
  7. no.. this is a different snippet lol
  8. i'm not sure what thread to put this in but i'm in a good mood today so here's a little bit of queen of hearts <3
  9. depends if anyone surprise drops or announces later but for now it's looking possible
  10. in no particular order 1. TV In Black And White 2. Backfire 3. Because of You 4. I Talk to Jesus 5. Wayamaya 6. Serene Queen 7. Take Me to Paris 8. Tired of Singing the Blues 9. Trash Magic 10. Velvet Crowbar 11. Afraid 12. Children of the Bad Revolution 13. Disco 14. Fine China 15. Hawaiian Tropic 16. Angels Forever
  11. twitter accounts disappear permanently after thirty days of deactivation.. but facebook and insta accounts can be reactivated at any time as long as lana selected "temporarily disable" and not "permanently delete"
  12. her finsta is alive and breathing
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