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Everything posted by SoftwareUpgrade

  1. She made MULTIPLE challenge videos , they were probably all staged/intentional, but were still dumb and funny Edit: I literally made a Peppergate status for those who want to spam gifs instead of doing it here
  2. Peppers just make me think of that stupid Glozzel pepper challenge video from years ago
  3. I missed the Grandfather title info too....I missed a lot, I still don't get the Fishtails thing or the comment on the collaborators Insta....whoops
  4. So what was the info about "Peppers?", Lana went through Tommy's backlog and is sampling something from it? Will the song be called Peppers, or is that just a hint?
  5. *Donald Trump voice* SAD! , she IS the human condition Maybe Lana let her do hidden vocals on this track
  6. The Rick James "SING!" one is one of the best imo, how it gets repeated throughout the album, along with the distorted flute- or maybe it IS the distorted flute....I can't remember if those were separate or just the sample was edited enough to sound like that
  7. "Fishtails" brings to mind Mermaid imagery, she's mentioned the ocean and sirens before. Oh and of course "Mermaid Motel". Then again, if it's true I wouldn't be shocked if the words have NOTHING to do with the songs lyrics- or if the lyrics will even tell a cohesive story
  8. Honeymoon is my favorite Lana album. I think I enjoy the lyricism and production combo. I am not knowledgeable on technical terms involving music, but I like the mix of feminine lyricism and mysterious production. Then again there are some somber songs from the record like "Swan Song" and "The Blackest Day". I think YouTube edits with movie or commercial footage put under the album music made me appreciate the sonics of it even more. It's very "sirenic"
  9. The Ichthys or the Jesus fish maybe? It was a symbol used during the Roman Empire to distinguish one's hidden belief as a Christian (due to fear of persecution), nowadays you might see it on a vehicle as the Jesus fish, to show religious identity. That's the first thing that popped into my head, as somebody who was raised Christian....or maybe she is referring to the plentiful basket of fish 🤔. I can't think of other gospel involving fish at the moment....
  10. I missed everything, was the Gate fishtailgate, fishgate? What is the context of fish on the record
  11. I think @lanaismamom has made some threads recently about information and/or tracking. I think we also have the sleuthing thread and the Lizzy Grant images thread
  12. Yoo, thanks to the user(s) who nominated me for best hybrid fan , it passed my mind to nominate users or campaign so I'll have insert my votes for these
  13. The fact that this speculation could be swapped out for any celebrity
  14. Imagine catching this embarrassment on camera, and then posting it, to forever exist on the world wide web- maybe it's for a skit....I'm still pondering . #lanathoughts Also thank you to the insider for the spoiler tags, I personally wanna be surprised and check back at your info post release
  15. Capitol what on Earth are you doing to those ?signed? under you
  16. Another Poppy avi ?!? I was so used to being #theone
  17. I am a devils advocate for being a hater, let them be critical !!! But I'll be critical back by saying that xenoblade COULD balance it out by saying something they do like about Lernuh every now n then, I'm curious?!? What era do they enjoy
  18. Rooting for @Xenoblade 3 for shaking it (the convo) up I just don't consider Lernuh to really be a "chart topper" but she always seems relevant to somebody with streams or sales , so that's a win for her imo
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