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Three White Butterflies

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Everything posted by Three White Butterflies

  1. she really does, but she also usually puts out what her favorite song from the album is first. which always tend to be ballads. which really frustrates me when fans bash on her ballads and quiet songs because it's clearly what SHE has always wanted to make. big production or not, her lyrics are untouchable by almost any artist in our generation.
  2. i wonder if any of the songs from her notes are gunna be on this album. i remember one of them was called grenadine quarantine and if this is the end i want a boyfriend
  3. i was really worried she'd stick with the first album name only because white hot forever doesn't sound too good after QFTC. and a lot of people don't know vocabulary the way lana does and would misinterpret it and we'd have to deal with hell. Chem trails is an excellent album title i think it exudes a lot of imagery and concepts.
  4. i believe those back-up singers are also in wild at heart
  5. honestly im not sure if they are specifically bruises, it could just be the editing quality HOWEVER. If they are bruises im suspecting it might represent her treatment by the media and society, how shes always being attacked and beat up by the tabloids. it could also be some shade against the idea that she glorifies domestic violence, although i dont think this would be a good thing to do because it's a sensitive topic.
  6. literally will never get over how good "washing my hair, doing the laundry" sounds as lyrics in this song. genius.
  7. me: wakes up and continues to play snippet over and over to feel something.
  8. OMGGGGG not people commenting on Clay's heart on insta asking if SHE'S PREGNANT FKD:ASDSLMFDSAMFDSLAMFKSDLFAS
  9. ben and ed texted lana and said just release a fucking snippet they're insane.
  10. "I'm writing my own story. And no one can tell it but me" BITCH YES
  12. it sounds like jack produced it for sure but i mean her voice is gorgeous
  14. i really dont think it's going to be the album cover but if it is i will laugh so hard that i'll shit myself. and then i will stream.
  15. yall know that lana is gunna get so annoyed that everyone is confused and make another video while eating denny's
  16. i just cant get over how this photo for blue banisters is so early 2000's. the colors, the font, the filter, the bead necklace. WHERE IS SHE TAKING US?
  17. Manifesting Rock Candy Sweet revenge album and Blue Banisters is her cover album
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