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Everything posted by Fetiche

  1. Fetiche


    Coochie sounds awful and Nike is below average. Not her going 0/4 so far, this album is going to be dreadful. Would never think this would be the case for her after releasing ALIAS.
  2. Jack got her swimming in that filthy water Not right under the bridges too, I would never
  3. Omg I had a thought earlier today that Julia and Jack should star in a music video for Lana. Would be a serve
  4. Sorry but she’ll always be mother for this
  5. Elton John managed her? This girls entire life has been insane
  6. Not her getting kicked off the stage after the sixth song… Had she not even been 20 minutes late I don’t think she would’ve had enough time to finish that set list lol Hopefully weekend 2 goes better cause……
  7. Fetiche


    Shaping up to be a super underwhelming debut album … 2/2 unlistenable tracks so far
  8. Fetiche


    Does anyone know anything about a ‘less produced’ Utopia that apparently a few people have but has never leaked? I feel like I remember seeing posts about it on some forum and how the album was so much better than the released version.
  9. Fetiche


    an episode of ‘Are We On Air?’ has released with Nina Kraviz. She speaks about SOPHIE, their collaboration together, and plays a snippet. It sounds beautiful. I miss her so much. Starts around 20:00 https://open.spotify.com/episode/2YdnWUFPoUqnIkZ76o4AKU?si=gYrs88iHTq2tAkeZNZIbDQ
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