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Everything posted by palemoonbaby

  1. Everyone saying Dealer is great. I can't wait September/October album release when I hear first time whole song without hearing any snippet
  2. I believe in album supremacy and Dealer supremacy. Wednesday faster!
  3. Insiders on 1st listen to Dealer: LB on 1st listen to Dealer:
  4. We have 4 or even 5 confirmed songs from previous projects: -Thunder -Cherry Blossom -Dealer -song made with Barrie and probaly I Talk To Jesus What last sixth song could be? I think it'll surprise us, something unexpected.
  5. Or you're at the party and you're doing multiple things at the same time
  7. Her past songs will get coins. They deserved for that since 2012
  8. We need Brite Lites. It would end of pandemic and climate crisis and clubs would lose shit about that song.
  9. They don't tell you. She paid them. Cats will tell you more truth
  10. Maybe Nico and Topanga knows something. Ask them!
  11. Unreleased album would make sense. French Restaurant and Serene Queen is getting deleting from Yt all the time.
  12. These albums was recorded or she made few songs and on idea everything ended?
  13. I know we shouldn't comparing Lana's albums but I think we'll get child of UV and NFR with HM and The Last Shadow Puppet unreleased album vibes
  14. And track 3 was always iconic masterpiece in Lana. Cola lyrics, SOC voice and instrumentals, Venice Queen, Tulsa Jesus
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