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Everything posted by palemoonbaby

  1. This is hooow to diiisssaaapeeeaaar
  2. If something like this happen, it'll be the most emotional listening ever
  3. In the video she had smile and sadness in eyes at the same time. Hiatus from medias is good for her to coming back stronger and happier.
  4. For me she didn't quit forever from social medias. It's only hiatus on some time, temporarily. But I respect her decision. If she needs rest and care about mental health, she could do it. When she needs back, she'll back and will be active again.
  5. It's almost sure that she's going to cover song of Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra and Nina Simone. They are one of her inspirations.
  7. I have strange feeling that she could cover Stand By Me but in acoustic and dreamy version.
  8. She would slay in Hotel California and Wicked Game covers Something from Nirvana would great too
  9. Yeah, it's definitely will shock us and our jaws will probaly dropped during first listen
  10. I was wondering about that recently and I wanted to ask here from the moment when on her birthday cake we have "Happy birthday Lana". I was thinking if anybody called her Lizzy and do she changed her name or she stayed Lizzy.
  11. Angel Baby is so nostalgic and beautiful
  12. Good album, cherry blossom, simple times and good wife are bops
  13. If BBS is a sultry bop with trap beats and if she made single of that and MV, we'd have HBTB/Doin Time this era.
  14. What i write is lowkey off-topic thing but I want duality revenge concept. BB is more peaceful, revenge more balanced and not allowing that anger and emotions outgrowning. LDR9 is totally angry, grief, she is not quiet, we are witness to BitchLana not fucking with anything.
  15. I think this album is gonna be new Honeymoon and LDR9 will be another BTD and starts another circle. LFL was more grown version of BTD and Norman giving UV vibes. COCC is it what Ultraviolence was meant and maybe that was lowkey skipped by Lana. And here we are with BB- many melancholic dreamy songs with (probaly) 2-3 bops (i don't count interlude).
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