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Everything posted by palemoonbaby

  1. It would be funny that we don't believed Lana in her words and tomorrow we'll see that she released album.
  2. 2 DAYS Can't wait for country piano ballads with Nikki Lane and MV recorded by Charlie
  3. Cherry, WM, Coachella and IMF was recorded in Spring 2017, so it couldn't be sending in December/January (with actual concept). Unless, she had different concept at the beginning. After short time she changed vision of album and decided to change many things like scrapping BAR with MV and other songs.
  4. This totally giving me LFL vibes pre-release. 16 tracks was instead of 18. Half original tracklist was scrapped (BAR, Yosemite, RBFY, probaly Serene Queen and some songs which titles we don't know yet), half was recorded after lead single release ( IMF, Mustang, Cherry) or added last minute (Change, Coachella, When The World...). Also some songs have been rearraged.
  5. I just log into LB and..no Jack and Rick on album and almost nothing from Dean?
  6. I'll roll at the floor if album title is Charlie Blue.
  7. BoZ probaly tweeted about Lana. I don't remember if someone bigger is releasing album having the same number of letters in 2021.
  8. I really like Taylor, but she didn't invent folk and surprise releases
  9. Lana has many things about her past to sing: eating disorders, mysogynism and sexism towards her, shit what "journalists" did her, rumours about having persona, carrer and label bought by father, wealthy family-trailer park situation, fake infos bout her, fake portrait, surgeries, QFTC, Karen era, racism, anti-feminism, hate comments to her, bodyshaming...many to mentioning.
  10. Great concept. I claim Black Pages and Western Wind.
  11. This would be a great joke. In my concept Dealer is lowkey a prank. Start sounds like Antonoff type ballad and after one minute we have switch up to anger rock-ish, almost metalish anthem.
  12. palemoonbaby

    Song vs. Song

    the blackest day vs cinnamon girl
  13. If she wanted a surprise release, it's good that she says nothing
  14. Interscope allowed her to release album in Sunday? If yes, Beyonce found dead
  15. I wouldn't surprised if she will make surprise release on Sunday. That she changed tracklist doesn't mean that she change lately. She could this idea in head and her notebook from long time ago and she submit now. But she could also adding tracks week before release (Taylor recorded "happiness" week before "evermore" was released).
  16. And even if Lana will go into pop someday, it will be sound innovative, even like new music genre. Upbeat, happy but really sadcore-ish and dark at the same time. It wouldn't be in radio stations but really popular in Internet.
  17. This doesn't happen in Lana case. Every album is different, every album is non-commercial (even BTD and Paradise doesn't sound radio-friendly at all). Lana gave us trip-hop, hip-hop, baroque inspirations, rock, psychedelic, ambienty album, trap...many to mentioning. Lana is very versalite and we shouldn't worry about sales. She has loyal audience snd she probaly release another BTD type album.
  18. GREENWICH ACID CHERRY PIE 1. Greenwich Acid Cherry Pie 2. Pink Geranium 3. Cold Cash Divine 4. Bleeding Plaster Ornament 5. Grenadine Quarantine 6. Ripped Paper Origami 7. If This is End...I Want A Boyfriend 8.Dealer 9.God Bless And Fuck Off 10.Wildflower Wildfire (rock version) 11.Unidentified Flying Bill 12.Thunder 13.Text Book 14.Cherry Blossom 15.Blue Banisters This would be her "reputation"
  19. I expected that. Lana and her friends spamming photos and throwbacks during birthday and she probaly gone now for some time.
  20. It could be great if on album would have song which opening lyrics are: "I wrote many diaries through my own life/But I don't show them no one/Cause all my boyfriends would go straight to jail"
  21. palemoonbaby

    Britney Spears

    I hope everything will go well and she will be free!!!
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