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Everything posted by Sportscruiser

  1. Absolutely. It makes side B the darkest but also the one who sets the vision of the album in stone.
  2. No, seriously. Candy Fucking Necklace. I need to recover but this album is probably her magnum opus, recency bias be damned. I have so many thoughts to assemble but I think this is a fucking classic. Her vision for this is starting to fully click with CN as the final piece of the puzzle and I can see why she says she’s passionate about music again. I don’t know where she can go after this, it’ll be very hard to top what it seems to be her ultimate manifesto. And I don’t care if I sound dramatic but listening to Candy Necklace is exactly what was missing even though I was already loving the record as it was. Massive, in-fucking-deed.
  3. Wait, did Kintsugi ever say CN is chaotic? If I’m not mistaken, Kintsugi called “massive” and Floridakilos called it “a bit slow”.
  4. What we’re not gonna do is treat Fingertips like it isn’t anything less than a game-changer.
  5. Because it’s about ending a cycle she started with NFR (where VB happened to be the album’s biggest moment). It’s the ultimate liberation after ruminating on so many layers of trauma. Makes perfect sense and I wish people wouldn’t reduce this as recycling a track. It clearly has a thematic purpose.
  6. In the meantime, Jon Batiste Interlude might be a top 5 track to me And here are my thoughts on Judah Smith Interlude:
  7. Oh and also: NFR, HM and Ocean are my ultimate trinity. If HM is a prowess in music production and NFR is a prowess in lyricism, Ocean combines the best of the two and represents Lana entering a new cycle of her career. No point anymore in comparing her to Fiona Apple, Kate Bush, Carole King, Joni Mitchell or Steve Nicks: she’s forging a path of her own. What a beast of an artist.
  8. The second Kintsugi mentioned the scrapped screamer, I immediately knew we would have to endure endless comments of people suggesting the screamer to replace their least favorite track Remember when Dealer almost was a Chemtrails track even though it wouldn’t make sense at all and stick out like a sore thumb in what is, like it or not, a very cohesive record? Trust the process and trust her vision, y’all don’t even know what the track (or Candy Necklace) sounds like.
  9. I’m incredibly emotional with one of the songs right now. Apologies for pouring my thoughts into here rn.
  10. When Margaret becomes my wedding song if I ever get married I don’t want to then what
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