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Everything posted by Sportscruiser

  1. If she submits A&W she actually might have a chance considering the song is popular AND the alphabetical order of the Grammy ballots would give it a major boost.
  2. I don’t know about you but my bike rides will be amazing with Jon Batiste Interlude playing in my airpods
  3. I don’t regret listening to this without Candy Necklace because on release day we will all listen to it from start to finish and Candy will make everything fall into place
  4. Your answers always send me i hope you get ready for the anti piano brigade who should be here any minute
  5. If it feels too short it’s because it flows incredibly well and makes you gasp for more fr
  6. She literally released an album that has something for everybody and people still find a way to criticize everything in a way that not even Lana haters do lmfao.
  7. @venicebitch please read the room. You can have your negative opinions but you’re wording them in a way that makes me question why are you wasting your time in a forum dedicated to an artist you’re calling lazy and floppy. At least give the album more listens before you come on here with half baked criticism.
  8. Going through a process of digging into my past in hopes I can build a better future. Needless to say this album is perfect for that process.
  9. As soon as I recover from this album, I’ll post a review under spoilers. All I’m able to say is:
  10. You’re being very surface-level on such a complex topic that might get us off the rails.
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