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Posts posted by Sportscruiser

  1. 33 minutes ago, Rust Dress said:

    oh barttttender they’re gagging you in the LDR10 pre-pre-release thread.. :air:


    i don’t know why we still complain about there not being any bops in her albums when her albums now are not designed to be full of bops.. and then when she puts bops it’s not enough or it doesn’t meet your standards. ever since btd, the stories in her albums have gotten deeper and deeper and it would be just odd to have a beat in the background. and also suggesting that lana should hire another songwriter to a write a hit for her would send lana into a fit if she saw that, just knowing how strong she feels about being the only one to write her songs


    That’s a troll, right? They can’t possibly be for real.

  2. 1 minute ago, daphnedinkley said:

    absolutely! i'll take anything that's filled with classic lana-isms and her genuine, authentic style of songwriting. i could use the song Kintsugi as an example - it's so heartbreaking that i find it hard to listen to on a regular basis, but when i do i'm floored by how beautiful and eloquent it is, so i'm glad that song exists and that we got to hear it. can i pop my pussy to it? no! but i still love it! on the other end of the spectrum, Summer Bummer is probably one of lana's most mainstream sounding or radio friendly songs, yet it's one of my faves because while it's fun and light hearted it still retains the lana vibe with the creeping, ominous piano at the start, the imagery ("white lines and black beaches and blood red sangria" is just so, so, SO lana del rey hahaha) and it doesn't feel like lana selling out, just lana dipping her toes more fully into the trap/hip-hop sound that's been present since her debut. Doin Time got a bunch of radio play, and even though it's a cover it still feels true to lana's vibe - it would fit right in on an album filled with You Can Be The Boss / Us Against The World / Hundred Dollar Bill type tracks. and yet, Video Games was lana's breakout hit, which is undeniably a ballad! so i think it goes to show that authenticity prevails, so there's no need to even focus on making hits or chasing radio play. if it happens, it happens! if not, then not! like many here i couldn't care less about chart or radio numbers for lana - i have faith that whatever comes next will be interesting and enjoyable, so long as lana trusts in her artistic instincts and surrenders to the whim of her muse :heart:


    (christ i can really waffle on cant i :toofloppy:)


    Beautiful post!

  3. 2 minutes ago, daphnedinkley said:

    in the battle of team ballads vs team bops, is there room for a third team? team 'anything interesting and good'? :hoe:


    Absolutely. Anything other than selling out for some radio hit that Lana never chased to begin with. If she wanted to be a pop girl, she would be one with ease. She’s more concerned with laying the groundwork for a legacy big enough to inspire her contemporaries and future generations to come. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Orville Peck said:

    "bops" is not something I want from Lana at present, sorry. Songs like Peppers, Fishtail and Taco Truco are the worst on Ocean Blvd.


    Expecting or forcing a radio hit out of someone like Lana, 9 albums and 12 years into a long-spanning career with a rich and diverse catalogue when she’s made clear time and time again she doesn’t want to be mainstream or popular is just unrealistic.


    But I love the songs you mentioned! 

  5. 23 minutes ago, barttttender said:




    OR, we can all just have our own opinions, needs and expectations? 


    There's absolutely nothing wrong in expecting a pop start to make a conventional pop song. 


    If you don't agree with it, you don't have to engage. 


    Where did you come from? I don’t even read your posts.

  6. Personally speaking (and I say this respectfully) I get kinda bored reading the same comments about wanting Lana to get back to doing “bops” (which I don’t really understand as she’s rarely ever done them in a conventional way) specially because it can become tiresome and superficial once you see those opinions spread across many threads. However I understand that to each their own but…


    What I miss from Lana is the cohesion of something like Honeymoon, still her best produced album to date that included a crazy variety of instrumentation that all fit together in unison to serve her vision of how she wanted the album to feel and sound like. It also operated in a soundscape that to this day is still very hard for me to define: is it jazz? is it “muddy trap” like she described it at the time? is it bluesy? is it all of the above? I feel like with Honeymoon she took such a risk by incorporating all these different genres into one piece that sounds both so modern and so timeless and evocative at once. A lot of people say going from BTD to UV was really bold (which I 100% agree with) but going from UV to HM was just as ambitious and dare I say the moment where she proved to me - without any shred of doubt - that she could do it all. I miss that feeling of unpredictability and atmosphere she created with her albums up until NFR (that one included, as I feel NFR is far more cohesive and coherent than some people give it credit for). I miss the surprise, the early shock, the “how the hell is she going to pull this off?”.


    To hell with bops and radio hits (that a Lana fan even verbalizes this 12 years into her career is absurd). Give me a record that’s so mysterious, intricate and so seemingly distant from my own comfort zone that it forces to peel back its layers for years to come in order for me to realize it’s always been as close to my heart and my experiences as humanly possible. I adore OB to death (my third favorite album from her) but I really do miss feeling the production and instrumentation making the stakes feel higher and bolder.

  7. 47 minutes ago, lanaismamom said:


    1. Get Free 8,5/10

    2. The greatest 2/10

    3. Terrence Loves You 8,5/10


    1. Heroin

    2. Ride

    3. The Blackest Day


    All of the above are 10/10 and included in my top 20 lol. I swear I’m not being a blind Lana stan, I just love those songs lol.


    Mine are constantly interchangeable but gun to my head:


    Art Deco


    Norman Fucking Rockwell

  8. 7 hours ago, shadesofloveduthenandnow said:

    Tbh I think the beats are in the rear-view mirror for the moment- the version of VB on DYKTTATUOB is allegedly the original demo (from like 2018) and Jimmy is also from the NFR sessions- these pieces are 4-5 years old and are closer to the first half of Lust for Life than where she is now sonically imo


    How do we explain Peppers? :smokes:

  9. 1 hour ago, Embach said:

    Can anyone recommend me a lot of movies which have hugeeeee Lana vibes?


    The Love Witch, Paris Texas, Valley of The Dolls, most of John Waters oeuvre, any David Lynch film (literally) and apparently Carlito’s Way (lol) immediately come to mind.

  10. 3 minutes ago, PARADIXO said:

    What the fuck. This is one of the best Lana songs released in this decade. Their voices sound great, Jon sounds powerful. His piano playing as always mesmerizing. The lyrics are heartbreaking. I love their chemistry.


    This is the only fandom I've ever seen to criticize even the smaller things, such as a non-single feature in another artist's album.


    Now I need them to make a song for a movie and win an Oscar/Grammy together.


    Seriously. Everything.

  11. 1 minute ago, venicebitch said:

    Selena’s 2017 singles are her mad rnagnum opus to this day and she never finished the album that year so if Addison is here to finish what she started but with actual talent I’m not mad…


    Oh I agree. Her Bad Liar - Fetish run was immaculate. I don’t see how Addison is more talented than her, what did I miss? 😭

  12. 6 minutes ago, lanaismamom said:

    my point wasnt that these covers shouldve been godlike ride level my point was that these covers were absolute rock bottom that shouldve never happened and justifying them and making them make sense was actually insane


    I think it tracks. Lana not caring about what other people think of her and stop trying to do what’s expected of her has always been on brand. The fandom’s fixation with those covers is confounding. Most musicians she stans don’t care about shit like that.

  13. 2 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

    the amount of overthinking tho:oprah2: these covers are directly UGLY and lazy theres no context behind being lazy and we shouldnt be handled as fans that way omg even if a song is extremely raw and personal it doesnt mean it should lack of the beautiful and rich visuals im happy ocean blvd is just perfect exanple of how simplicity can be beautiful and not just.... everytjing that gave us these 3 bb single covers


    Yall’s obsessions with visuals… insanity. 

  14. 23 minutes ago, barttttender said:


    The Paradise cover was glam and sexy. Very Americana, and old Hollywood. Which is what sold Lana in the first place.


    I agree with the OP on those first two covers being untouchable as far as Lana's covers go. Lust for Life came close and OB isn't bad per se (I don't like anything BB so I'm too subjective to speak on that), but Chemtrails, NFR, Honeymoon definitely needed rethinking. Chemtrails just looks like a pic taken with an iphone. Not cool. 


    And let's not forget the single covers for BB. That was just a whole other level of lazy. An almost unprecedented level of lazy in the music industry.


    You see lazy, I see a deliberate attempt at not conforming with the status quo. Context is everything and in this situation, Lana was facing serious criticism in regards to her physical appearance and weight gain: from media outlets to even Azealia Banks, there were a lot of people mocking and scrutinizing her body and I see those 3 covers as representation of “I don’t give a fuck about whether you find this beautiful or not, these songs are incredibly personal and encompass a lot of raw, ugly truths and I don’t want the covers to be polished”.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Lanasvape said:

    God I can’t believe this fandom sometimes. Like there’s personal preference, and then there’s disrespect. I just keep seeing all these posts about people who hate her new work and just keep thinking back to the lyrics (like I said before)

    “just another folk song,

    but anyway…

    i try so hard, but that’s ok

    its how the light gets in”

    These people will see this woman pour her heart out onto the table for us, and they can only say how they liked her before or they “are sick of all these piano ballads” 

    she’s being so personal and open and y’all will just chalk it up to “just another folk song”


    sorry for the ramble I get heated when it comes to this 😅


    This is exactly why I’ve been less and less present in these forums (until LDRX starts to take shape). It’s kind of exhausting to keep reading the same recycled “ugh this is boring”, “ugh I wish she could go back to doing bangers”, “ugh not another piano ballad” comments over and over again without any depth to them. 


    With that being said, I respect this song a lot and I love the lyricism as per usual but I don’t think it all gels for me, sometimes it sounds like they’re in two different songs entirely.

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