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Posts posted by shady

  1. 23 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:



    my mistake lol



    Azelia first point was:


    "Wow okay Lana, this would be cute if you were consistent with your outrage and refused to collab with ASAP rocky who has physically assaulted women too. To me this just looks like the typical White woman taking using a weakened target to ‘pretend’ to be an ally” 


    I don't agree with anything that she said after that, but she had a point. Lana could have talked with Kanye in private or made a post on her social media about how sad it is seeing artists that she admire supporting Trump (without name dropping for the lord's sake).


    Instead, she went straight to Kanye's page declaring that his support to Trump was a "loss for the culture". It's easy shooting a man when he's already down. Lana got the fame to be anti Trump while he declined even more in the public's eye.


    Lana is always cherry picking her causes. She never openly showed support to any liberal agenda (she doesn't have to, but it's easy pointing fingers to the ones that are open about their beliefs when you're keeping yours private). 


    One of the reasons that she gave to her position was Trump's misconduct. Didn't she after that had a collab with Børns and Jared Leto? Attended a homophobic church? Smells like double standards for me.


    I don't think that her opportunism was conscious. But she should think twice and avoid talking about politics unless she develops stronger values and it's ready to live for it



    I wanted to say that but it would be such a long essay. I don't like this term but it describes her perfectly, she's not a feminist™, she's a white feminist. She's one of those celebs that would be better off being silent than continuing to contradict herself. Lana babe, just say you love gays and get back to writings songs. I cringed sp much when I read her argument with dating rappers = black people. 

  2. Damn guys, my post really provoked you to reply. I respect your opinion and this is the last time I'm going off topic so don't ban me lol. I don't want to quote everyone so I won't clog the thread but here's my take on the Kanye thing. Btw I'm obsessed with Wildflower Wildfire?️?.


    I'm surrounded by people with very different views, literally from typical European libertarians, to pro authoritarian left and right wingers so here at least distancing from someone because of political views is weird. We're usually friends with people who share our opinion. I didn't want to date a guy because he literally framed Hitler's portrait in his bedroom lmao so I'm guilty of doing that because it's just too sick and radical. I don't think that division is a good thing because people are never able to unite on a rainy day. America is a often used as a bad example how its citizens are divided based on political views. Also, let's not act like Biden is better than Trump, he's just as bad as him, a wolf in sheep's clothing, a pedo, a racist and a fascist who's trying to appeal to Gen Z and young millenials. 

    I'm aware that artists and young people are liberals, that wasn't the problem, I identify as a centrist btw. The problem is the literal eco chamber among celebrities and the fear of having slightly different opinions. We saw how the public reacts to Lana being a liberal but slightly deviating from the stereotypical pop star strong independent woman vibe. I wouldn't be surprised that she ditched Kanye in fear of being seen to be same as him. I've seen so much bullshit accusations of Lana being a racist because she likes the retro aesthetic. I'm just saying that it's toxic for people to hate each other so much and accuse others of horrible things based on zero evidence. 

  3. 20 hours ago, Lentilus said:


    This is so true and probably one of the worst trends in pop culture. It creates this eco chamber where out of touch celebs say the same thing and pet themselves on the back for being so brave and moral. I would prefer the majority of celebs being "airheads" with only a few who genuinely care about politics than this. The ratings of the Oscars and Grammys shows how the public reacts to bullshit but they can't seem to get it. This has gone so far that celebs have become propaganda tools. How moral is a celeb who knowingly has young fans like Ariana and Billie and encourages them to vote for a democrat president and have a certain ideology? They're all for equality but don't bother to tour everywhere else that isn't the US, UK, west Europe, Japan and AUS.


    As for Lana, she isn't far from them. She's trying to jump on the bandwagon but fails to catch the train. Dumping Kanye over being a republican? Kanye is batshit crazy but it's pretty disturbing if you decide that people who vote for a different party don't deserve to be friends with you. She reacted so poorly when people joked that she was a republican instead of laughing it off like in that furry livestream. She can still be a democrat but expressing it in a different way would suit her more. She doesn't seem radical at all giving by her her QFTC statement but I understand the pressure from her environment. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Bunny Mozart said:


    and we're too tired to even argue about piano songs :eartha2:


    BB is already in her flop era. I feel so bad for her 

    Omg the piano songs. C'mon, give us some guitars, drums and violins. I can't believe she will have a 3rd album in a row with just piano songs. She's losing fans. I couldn't listen to COCC even as background music, it's so unseasoned. 


    I think she wasn't even trying to make a hit with BB. I heard that those three songs were just demos. If she wanted, she could've promoted them but she didn't on purpose. Maybe she's planning to promote it once the album is completely finished with a hopefully new artwork. 

  5. Two days ago I made my first purchase on (German) Amazon and no I'm not from Germany the shipping and vinyl are the cheapest there.


    I bought BTD vinyl (13€) and UV vinyl for (20€) + 13€ shipping. Amazon "declined" my card claiming that payment revision is needed and my card "reserved" that money and now I technically lost that money. 


  6. 15 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:

    I'm always complaining about Lana's lack of professionalism on her social media, but I love her posts. She wouldn't be so iconic if it wasn't for her random posts. It seems like she creates a connection with us and that's why we're so emotionally invested in her.


    Lana, if you're reading this, keep posting your pets :kiss:


    Agree to disagree. It's cute how she's down to earth on social media unlike the Kardashians for example who are a pure facade. However, she's ruining her mysterious, intriguing persona that made her stand out in the first place and that fans of BTD-HN love. Her social media presence also tarnished her career and non fans labeled her as a racist, Karen and a republican because of her poor choice of words and inability to defend herself properly. I think fans would appreciate more if instead of posting "Question of the culture" she would express that through music in a rebellious way. 


  7. 3 hours ago, HEARTCORE said:

    bringing up a topic from a year ago just so you can give yourself a metaphorical wank and appear superior? 


    I just made an account and was curious about your opinion. Sorry stan. Lol I can't believe it was an year ago lmao. 

  8. This is probably a very different topic of this thread and I'm a new member who just discovered this thread. I wanna hear your opinion on her Instagram post a couple of months ago where she shared a poster promoting Greater Albania.


    For those who don't know anything about it, basically it's a map of Albania and surrounding small regions of neighbor countries where ethnic Albanians live and the message is basically "You owe us this land because some of our people live there". 


    In my opinion Dua was taking advantage of her platform to spread dangerous supremacy propaganda because allegedly they're the "oldest" and "deserve" someone's land more than Greeks and Slavic neighbors. She knows very well that rarely anyone except people in the Balkans know about this so she's only sharing her side of an extremely complicated situation and she knows well that she won't get canceled for it because Gen Z Americans don't care to research.


    Dua growing up in Britain and probably living in America now should've used her platform to spread peace and tolerance but instead she's opening a wound that wasn't fully closed in her cozy home far away from her birthplace where it's happening. Says a lot about her upbringing. I used to like her music but now I won't be streaming anything from her again. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Charlottexseax said:


    she definitely has some issues i think ?? like i get that it's not all her fault but so many artists have had issues with their label and still managed to release shit (even azealia banks released a comeback single, although it didn't go anywhere, but still) 


    if she truly wanted she would've found a way in the 8 years but clearly something is holding her back 

    ikr, I can understand an artist not releasing anything in 4 years because of their record label, but 8 YEARS, there's definitely something wrong. Who knows, maybe she's not aloud to release anything even independently because the label owns her music and is not allowed to talk about it. I'm looking forward to her work because so much effort went into Downhill Lullaby, it's soo good and cinematic. I can imagine it playing in the last scene of a crime movie/series. Voices Carry is in the top 5 songs I discovered this year, I absolutely love everything about that song from the guitars to her vocals except that it's not released on streaming platforms. 

  10. On 5/27/2021 at 6:38 AM, rosesofsaigon said:

    Born to Die while a legendary pop album of the early 2010s, it sounds dated.

    I don't think so. It has some production elements that were popular in early 2010s but it's not so obvious. Wait until that becomes vintage in 2030s. If you listen to any iconic album you can usually recognize the decade by its style, for example the keyboard in the 60s that Lana used in Kill Kill. However, listen to anything by David Guetta that came out from 2010 to 2012, Kesha or Nicki Minaj and everyone who used dubstep in their music, that started sounding dated in 2015. 

  11. By Sky having so many unfinished songs, so many dates she promised that never came true she seems to me like a procrastinator. On a YouTube video discussing her career someone commented that she's living in the past and that it's a sign of depression. Either way she's losing a great opportunity since her music style is popular atm. I can see You're Not The One being a hit. 

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