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Posts posted by shady

  1. I also don't understand the huge success of Olivia. Billie was at least unique with her style and vibe. Olivia looks like a typical skinny Bestdressed-ish influencer, her style of music is generic but at least I can understand why teens love her since her topics are reletable. Avril and latter Billie had raw tomboy energy while Olivia is the most conventional looking teen who tries to be edgy. What's embarrassing is how I've seen 20+ year olds worshipping her. I'm not hating her I just think she's very overrated. Maggie Lindemann has the same music style but she's at least "unique" with her gothic image and fits more to be the alt chick. 

  2. Y'all be talking about Sad Girl Tumblr phases while my dumb ass couldn't figure out how to use Tumblr and I didn't like the idea of blog and followers, I wished it was more Facebook-like. 

    Also when Lana, AM and soft grunge were booming in early 2010s I was being busy being #swag #yolo with galaxy stuff, Obey snapbacks and beanies with a dark-ish twist, idolizing Acacia Clark, Madison Beer and listening to dubstep (circa middleshcool). Roast me however you want (I still looked cool compared to the peasants in my small town) . :oprah2::trisha::hair:


    I was late at the party in freshman but it was still going hard on IG, I got hooked on Ultraviolence, AM, TNBHD and Nirvana. Halsey Bandlands era was the shit. My friend and I were staning her just because she was an alt pop girl who had a cool vibe not because her music was special. I never took part in sad quotes over dark grainy images because it was too cheesy even for me. 

  3. 48 minutes ago, prettywhenimhigh said:


    I wasn't saying by any means her music is POP, I was just saying that her album releases follows the same steps of a pop star album rollout, as well as her fanbase (and the majority are teenagers) expect her to follow it, otherwise this fanbase wouldn't care about her album promos, photoshoots,  etc and what I was saying besides that is that she's changing her album rollouts because she doesn't want to fit into this category anymore because she is currently a pop star wether her music is pop or not and she wants to be like her idols, that was my point


    edit: sorry now I read again what you said and you confirmed she is technically a pop star so my whole comment was pointless lmao


    Agree but one thing: I fee like her fan base used to be teenagers until mid to late 2010s when we grew up. I fee like THE "alt" girl for 15 year olds are either Billie or Olivia Rodrigo, Lana is kinda just casually there. She's is still being listened by teenagers but not to the extent it was nearly 10 years ago when Tumblr was a thing and when every "popular" "grown up" middle schooler in my town posted BTD era screenshots and gifs on Facebook. I feel like the majority in their early 20s. Just like JB's stans are now in their 20s and he's not considered a teen heartthrob anymore although he's still in his 20s because the new Gen has moved to worshiping kpop idols. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Frangipani said:

    This is so true! Her recent music is cute but no matter how good the lyrics are, it doesn't make up for lacking production and melodies. :nails:

    Half of Salvatore is literally just her saying random Italian words but because of the melody it all comes together and makes a beautiful song.

    I understand that the 3 singles are meant to basically be spoken poetry set to music but I prefer something with a bit more substance.


    Yees, Salvadore and Honeymoon are masterpieces. It's crazy how Honeymoon the album is so underrated by its sales but the singles are popular among non fans while it's the opposite with NFR. When listening to Honeymoon (especially Honeymoon the song) I imagine myself in a wealthy part of an European city at night. Basically something like this... 







    Has anybody got tips for finding sugar daddies :trisha:

  5. 2 hours ago, lanasbottom said:

    am i the only one who doesn’t really care about her lyrics anymore? like we got so many great poetic lyrics since nfr. i’d want at least an album where the focus is on otherworldly production and not the lyrics (yeah yeah i know she’s a songwriter poetry yada yada yada i see y’all coming) but like at this point i’d take another repetitive sad girl chorus or her talking about her farts over dreamy electrical wah wah guitars, synths and a string orchestra over another minimalist, poetic piano song  ANY FUCKING DAY:ma:


    Same sis, I can't get over the feeling when I discovered Shades Of Cool and was listening it on my vacation in Greece. I barely listened to the lyrics but the melody was :godlaugh:. The sky was blue without a single cloud, the sea was dark blue and lighter and lighter until it was mint by the shore with a pleasant wind blowing. I was wearing boho clothes because that's my usual aesthetic in the summer which matched the psychedelic elements. :grinds::bye2:

    People aren't aware how a good melody is important. It creates a whole new atmosphere and memories of the listener. 


    Me when listening to COCC: k cute song

    Me listening to those three songs: cute song, good lyrics, might recommend my friend to put her baby to sleep. 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:


    I personally have found the past pages interesting because there is actual debate and discussion, although it's not strictly related to Blue Banisters. Everything is connected though so where do you draw the line? I guess that's up to Elle

    ETA: nm I just saw all the other stuff :eek3:

    Yeah but you can't discuss strictly about a single topic and add new ideas forever. Also this is more like a chat room because around noon there are new replies every minute. I guess we're mostly from Europe and get up at 11-12am:sass:.

    This mentality reminds me so much of the Sims community. Everyone is whining how the previous games are better, particularly sims 2 and how sims 4 is shit, lazy and boring. 

  7. 5 hours ago, cherri said:

    :noparty: I was excited to think that we finally had some news or insider info. Instead I see infighting and Beyoncé slander. Never change Lanaboards.


    Anyways what kinds of BB merch are we looking forward to? 
    I would like a calendar but for each month’s artwork it’s just thee selphie edited. 

    How fun would that be? March could have Lanprechaun & December would be Lanta Claus ect :legend:


    None cause that shit is expensive. Seriously, 100 dollars for a jacket plus shipping? I'll buy it at the thrift store or at a sale in Pull n Bear and go 100m to a stand that does embrodery in the same mall all for maybe 30 dollars in total. Baby girl Lana should make her shipping free if she wants my and her broke fans' money lmao (seriously UV vinyl used to be 10dollars and honeymoon 20 dollars, that was a bargain but the shipping was 35 dollars...). 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    She can live off BTD alone her whole life. Interscope will never drop her even if she does like 30k first week sales. I don't know why some of you act like you need to be like Ariana and have 100M streams on every song to be profitable. Lana barely does promo and doesn't even release a lot of videos and still is more successful that people that labels invest a lot of money on. She is the definition of profitable :smile2:

    Also can we stop acting like Lana is now this underground artist that nobody listens to nowadays? She has 20M Spotify monthly listeners and had almost a billion streams in 2021 alone :eyeroll2:


    Lmao yes just like Courtney Love and her daughter living off Kurt's 30 year old music, same for GnR, Pink Floyd and other 30+ year old bands not releasing music for decades and living like royalty, still being signed to labels and still touring and performing at festivals. I can see Lana doing that in 20 years and my 40+ year old ass buying tickets along with teenagers who romanticize the 2010s. 

  9. 1 hour ago, lanasbottom said:



    LORD the way some of y’all seriously lack comprehension issues literally WHERE did i ask her to do 2010-2014 btd stuff again??? all we’re asking for is for an artist to at least make a post to say “hi i dropped some music check it out" or do a performance, give a correct date without lying 6 times? giving concrete info and not some vague "idk when it’s coming hihi" every 3 months? how is that "toxic" to expect an artist to at least do the bare minimum lmao? like how do you wanna be excited for a release when the artist herself doesn’t even pretend to give a shit? some of y’all actually need to get out of this woman’s ass and stop excusing anything she says and does. and if you’re fine with it cool but stop preaching the same thing to anyone who isn’t. yes she has obligations towards everyone around her, wether you or her want it or not. the music industry is a business and this is her job, any job has obligations. if she doesn’t wanna do it she can become a baker or go live in the woods. again it’s not toxic to discuss such things (and it’d be cool to be finally able to do so without a bunch of cupcakes going "oMg sO tOxIC itS nOt 2012 aNyMoRE"). thank you. 


    Taylor Swift released two mellow ballad albums in a short time and I haven't seen a single bad comment from her larger fan base. Lana, who's famous for being a ballad singer, is being called lazy and her music is criticized for being boring and underwhelming. Do you see my point? It's not the music genre nor the image, it's that fans noticed that Taylor has put an effort in her music and era while Lana's fans feel like Lana doesn't give a shit about having a decent era. 

    Also, people being unsatisfied with their favorite artist's direction is completely normal just before the internet it was seen by the lack of album and ticket sales, now that's instant and more obvious through the comments. 

    The artist SELLS their work, a product, so in my opinion an artist should see what their fans would want to listen. Of course they shouldn't be people pleasers but they should at least read the comments. 

    25 minutes ago, DeluluKing said:


    :w8ing:For me. Beyonce is less popular than Lana. I can see MUCH MORE PPL actually listening to LDR rather than her. Maybe Beyo fans stream more but im sure more ppl just download Lana's music and actually listen.


    Show 100 random ppl some Lana songs and some Beyonce -> 90% of them would say that they'd more likely listen to Lana




    Not not wrong tho. In my country Lana's definitely more popular. I see my 13-14 year old cousins listening to BTD (now I see how my parents feel when I listen to 70s and 80s hits:rock:), Blue Jeans and Summertime Sadness is literally being played everyday on our most popular English pop radio. I literally can't buy Ultraviolence/BTD/HM vinyl because it gets sold out days after it arrives. Beyonce is definitely the Regina George of the pop music industry, more powerful and adored by the media while Lana is the underdog but I feel like Lana's music has more longevity. I don't see anyone listening Beyonce's old stuff besides Crazy in Love. 


    Edit: Beyonce is obviously more successful on a global scale and definitely more popular in America but in some parts of the world Lana's more popular.

  10. 30 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:


    You should tell that to Tik Tok stans. They're convinced that Lana was miserable before NFR and that she's way happier now.


    I saw a video the other day of someone guilting BTD stans saying that was a dark period for Lana and we shouldn't romanticize it???? I was like WTF 


    Apparently she was at her darkest at UV and I definitely see everywhere how she's so happy in COCC so Idk. People are saying that those three songs are her processing last trauma, not her being unhappy. However, her sudden weight gain reminds my of someone I know who takes medication for anxiety and I heard it somewhere that she's bipolar but I don't know and don't want to invade her privacy. 


    Edit: Okay guys, sorry for the weight comment, I had no ill intentions nor to sound weird. I just meant that somebody's appearance says a lot with their physical/metal health and I was just saying that I heard. I didn't want to diagnose her. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:


    i kinda feel a bit like this tbh. i loved nfr but it never hit me like others did before. i loved cocc but it feels like a 9 track ep with something missing. i loved the 3 singles and i still listen to them a lot but they aren’t necessarily new or groundbreaking sound wise. i feel like i’ll give her a last chance with this album (and probably the one after cause i’m a weak bitch:sass:) but if this ends up as another "let’s strip it back to pretend it’s deeper than it is" album that’ll feel like it’s missing that certain…magic, fullness, replay value, excitement whatever you wanna call it then….truly idk…but i honestly don’t see myself stanning same sounding piano ballads for forever let’s just say that (or maybe i’ll do but i’ll be pretty pissed about it and complain a lot). 


    You're reading my mind for everything you said. I just find it fun to hang out here but I don't have a huge expectation. My friends don't give a shit about Lana since NFR so they don't even want to have this conversation lmao. Just her artwork and production is not convincing that this will be something WOW. 

    Her stans are so annoying with defending her work for being aUtHeNtIc as if catchy well produced music with an organized era and good aesthetic can't be. Literally people in this forum have awesome ideas and people in Lana's subreddit have awesome fan made artwork and vinyl designs. People wrote deep, raw and dark lyrics and made iconic music so that's a very bad excuse. 

  12. 9 hours ago, SweetHenny said:

    So what's the vynil colour? What's this era's flower? Are we getting Dealer? How many tracks are there on the album? Is this COCC 2.0? UV 2.0? BtD 2.0? Honeymoon 2.0? Is this a real album cover or not? Is it one or two albums actually? Will it have any collabs you think? What is your dream collab? What is your dream cover? What is your dream song for Lana to cover? Are we getting a photoshoot? Are we getting music videos? Is Blue Banisters track 1 or track 12? Is Rick coming back? Is Nicole Nodland coming back? Do you promise Chuck is NOT coming back to shoot the cover? Is Lana getting her revenge? Is Lana pregnant? Did she break up with Clay? Did she dump Jackoff? What is she doing right now? Is she sleeping? How is she? Is she okay? Who is she? What...When...How...Is it... Does it... Are we....Do we... 

    Lana 3d Art By Marco Di Lucca Zbrushtuts | Free Hot Nude Porn Pic Gallery


    Answering to questions before you had a stroke. 

    So what's the vynil colour? Baby Pink, baby blue, or some soft warm color 

    What's this era's flower? Rose is always the flower but maybe white or pink 

    Are we getting Dealer? who? 

    How many tracks are there on the album? 8 standard and 11 deluxe. A little less because she already released a full album. 

    Is this COCC 2.0? UV 2.0? BtD 2.0? Honeymoon 2.0? BTD 2.0. definitely after hearing the producer with a sprinkle of UV. 

     Is this a real album cover or not? No, hopefully. 

     Is it one or two albums actually? One. My theory is that the name of the album is Rock Candy Sweet and BB was just the first song revealed. 

    Will it have any collabs you think? No

    What is your dream collab? Not looking forward to anyone but maybe some old ballad rockstar. 

    What is your dream cover? Lana's? Summertime and Heart Shaped Box. 

    What is your dream song for Lana to cover? Riders of The Storm by The Doors, it's definitely her vibe and so UV. Maybe something else by them.

    Are we getting a photoshoot? Of course, probably the same photographer for every album I forgot his name. 

    Are we getting music videos? Yes, probably something simplistic 

    Is Blue Banisters track 1 or track 12? Definitely the first part of the album. Her last tracks are usually nothing special. 

  13. 56 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    i hope so ENOUGH with the ballads. it’s worthy to note that mike only did minor productional work on partition tho. justin timberlake, timbaland and j-roc did most of it. imagine partition but as a lana piano ballad tho PLS the serve :angie: "est-ce que tu aimes les blue banisters? je veux dire la couleur blue? les banisters? les hommes pensent que les femmes détestent…" :kris::mariah:


    Omg I can't believe that I actually understand the French part. Being forced to learn it in school has actually paid off. :beyonce:

  14. 5 minutes ago, NewportBitch said:

    It’s sort of ? for me that Mike Dean said that the drum effect was something he took a lot of time to get right. Like somehow Love Drought came more easily to him 


    WW is such a bitter song for me. When I’m at my lowest I groove with it


    He produced Patrition by Beyonce, Fashion Killa and other hits on the pop side. It seems like it's going to look like BTD, Diet Mountain Dew first comes to my mind. 

  15. 2 hours ago, #glimmeringdarling said:

    I just need some type of late 90’s grunge aesthetic a la Garbage, pixies or portishead.. also hope the actual music has some type of industrial futuristic experimental sound.. I kinda thought she was headed for a more grunge aesthetic via her mojo cover.. which I could see working for RCS if it’s still own project.. which I admire the title, rock candy is weird and Lowkey gross and it’s sweetness isn’t even that sweet.. so I hope this is Lana’s era where she doesn’t play it safe or nice ...


    Bestie me too but that Lana is long gone. You're too ambitious but I think at least half of fans share your opinion. Go listen to Ultraviolence and act like you've never heard it before:icant:. R.I.P. edgy Lana :smokes2:


    I wish she was more 70s rock n roll groupie aesthetic but that's too juvenile for her now and she has already had that kind of vibe in Ride. I adored grunge but got sick in late high school lmao. 

    She gives me soccer mom vibes or that aunt who used to be cool until she settled down. I don't think she's ever planning an edgy era again, look at rockstars, they usually become  mellow in their late 30s and completely stop making music in their 40s.

  16. 37 minutes ago, VioletBunny said:

    OMG I had a nightmare she messaged me something like “June 10th, 11th, 12th” so I posted the screenshots here like omg triple single? and she messaged me again calling me dumb and stupid and thag she hates her fans sometimes and to delete. but im not gonna delete I think June 10th is a nice date 


    Glad i'm not the only with random embrassing celeb dreams. :shh2:

  17. 7 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:

    Her face looks different. Did she had a facelift or it's just the filler?


    It looks different since the COCC era started, to be exact I noticed it being different when she filmed that video in the fields with pearl gloves reading her poetry book. I don't know why is everybody pressed about you assuming. She definitely has bigger lips than before and her face looks more perfect now. She's definitely not botched and looks beautiful, almost Barbie-like, but she definitely doesn't look natural. 

    I've binged plastic surgery videos by Lorry Hill out of curiosity about plastic surgery and I can tell you that as soon as you noticed a micro change on a celeb's face is most likely they had a trip to the clinic. 

    Somebody said that she's too young for a facelift, there are multiple types of facelifts and it doesn't have to make someone younger. Bella Hadid has had a face lift and she's in her early 20s. I don't know what Lana has done recently but I can assume it's a lot of fillers and botox. 

  18. 24 minutes ago, Mer said:

    I have so many questions. Where is she? Why is she at a motel? How is the phone standing up on its own? Didn’t she have a iPhone 12 last time she was pictured? If so, how old is this pic or who’s phone is she using? What happened to the ring finger of her left hand? It looks like a chemical burn? Was it a birthmark we never noticed?


    It's probably older since she has a fuller face and shoulders now. It looks like 2017 since iPhone X was released that year and she had longer hair in LFL. It's not our business to question other things and you can actually DIY a phone stand. 

  19. It would be perfect if:


    On 4th of July an album called Rock Candy Sweet with a cover like @cherri or @Deadly Cruel Girl suggested. The vibe being a combo of Honeymoon (aesthetic, little bit of its energy), Ultraviolence (theme, vibe) and AKA (instruments, tempo). I hope the songs were demos and the album version would have better production. Wildflower Wildfire deserves better drums and some guitars lol. 


    Tbh I feel like RCS is the real name and BB was just the first song revealed. Why should she reveal the name RCS if she didn't release it with those three songs? The name RCS also sounds more LDR than BB. 


  20. On 6/6/2021 at 3:13 PM, Writer In The Dark said:

     The general public doesn't know what Honeymoon by Lana Del Rey is. And also, Chemtrails is her second-best acclaimed album among critics.

    Omg yes. When I hear people say that BTD is her only good album I'm like "Seriously?"

    Yes but the fans are the ones who buy the album, not the critics. Who even listens to the critics nowadays? 

  21. - Say Yes To Heaven - Honeymoon version is hypnotizing. 

    - The transition between Freak and Art Deco is a small but cherry on the top detail.

    - Rahab is so underrated 

    - Heroin (both music and the lyrics) give me chills and I don't even do drugs 

    - Her unreleased songs may have a bit cringy and juvenile lyrics for her standards but it's on the same level as current pop hits if not better 

  22. On 6/6/2021 at 12:24 PM, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

    Tarnish her career? Are you serious? She can boil live kittens on her Instagram and she will still sell and stream well. If the ridiculous 'Question for the Culture' essay, 300 double down Instagram comments from her or all the double downs videos she posted didn't destroy her career, nothing will. She's fine. However had Lana been Latina or black, her career would be done and over 5 mins after posting the 'Culture' essay.


    The majority of fans are on her side, but I can't say the same for the public. The majority of commentary channels and news outlets criticize her. If she's being mentioned somewhere half of people would be calling her a racist. Those commentary videos like D'Angelo's have hundreds of thousands views, some over million and the people in the comments are siding with the creator. She's being attacked for everything new she posts and people still didn't get over the mask thing. New music ia being released every week but I only see people being pressed about Lana's artwork. She fucked up a lot but it will be forgotten as time passes. She has a strong fan base but I didn't hear anyone outside of her fan base talking about Chemtrails. That's the reality. 

  23. 5 hours ago, World At War said:

    I read someone suggesting Lana should have her younger self on the cover and I agree! Something like this 3 Women still with Lana holding Lizzy in a caring, but at the same time menacing way would be very adequate for this era; specially considering the more confessional territory she's delved into.



    That's an amazing idea! I made a cover on Picsart in 5 minutes a month ago. The piano is a prop because it's the main instrument, the cool toned is because it's Blue Banisters, the country-ish cozy vibe etc. Let me know your thoughts... 




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