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Posts posted by shady

  1. 10 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


    making music that's mellow & sparse instrumentally doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't have any "fire under her ass" or that she's stagnant, she currently prefers a mellow sound & genre, it isn't luscious & cinematic like paradise or honeymoon, it's more casual & introspective, which is totally fine, we are entitled to our opinions about the music itself, but let's not act like she isn't working constantly, we get an album almost every year, she's very prolific


    Yeah but her last two albums and possibly the newest album (if we judge them based on singles) sound very similar. That's not good. She's not evolving as fast as she was before if she's too comfortable with the minimalist piano sound in her latest albums. I will never understand why many musicians are the most creative in their 20s while authors are at middle age-old age. 

    Also, she seems too confident with her soccer mom meets cottage core aesthetic which is cute in COCC but she better be interesting in BB if she keeps the same style. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Clampigirl said:

    Lana lands on the lower tier of having unique words per 1000 words in her lyrics. :)




    Yeah, don't get offended by this, it's just a fun fact. I'm a big fan of The Doors but I don't consider Jim Morrison to be the best songwriter ever. Some of the artists don't even write their own songs. Is Christina Aguilera already a legend? She released an album less than 10 years ago. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    Taylor Swift - I feel like the music just isn't *substantial* enough and the lyricism is kinda... juvenile and a bit too methodical. Same goes for Olivia Rodrigo (and her perspective just isn't there yet - makes it v hard to relate to and empathise w her music)


    Yeah, before Folklore and Evermore her lyrics were 100% melody. I remember when her hits included "Me-hee-heeee-he Oh-hoo-hooo-ho" and "So, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh" that literally sounds like a practice/warm up of the school choir. She has still great pop hits but I don't see the genius lyricism everyone's talking about. 


    Olivia, on the other hand, is very good for teen pop standards but not enough good to be considered 'the' pop star. We may find her too childish to listen but I would see myself at 15 years old staning her music. The song Jealousy Jealousy is still reletable for me at least. I feel guilty for wishing she was around in mid 2010s because back then it was that awful EDM Chainsmokers/Major Lazer trend and 99% of pop songs were unlistenable for me. At least we got great alt bands in the early 2010s like AM, TNBHD, Cigarettes and more.

    Sorry for my rant :awkney2:

  4. 5 hours ago, willfoshizzle said:

    Hahahaha yes. Instagram will hold more weight than her lawyers, doctors, tax statements, profits, and her own testimony. How about you just go stream glory and stop being such a hater 

    If you're living in 2021 you would know how much social media is important. Ever heard of "background check"? Whatever you do people will check your social media. Everything else you mentioned is also very important but it's not 2006 when social media is just a fun place that can't be taken seriously. 


    Also you're being very childish because you're looking everything from a feminist pov as if everyone including the court cares about feminism. You won't get far in life if you can't imagine someone not having the same opinion as you do. 


  5. 4 minutes ago, Angelic Tropico said:


    I do understand your point of view but I respectfully disagree. The members of the public who think she’s insane will continue to think that regardless of what she does and the courts would focus more on her achievements like world tours, product launches, etc… to show her mental stability. I really don’t believe that her Instagram carries the amount of weight that others think it does. For example, she’s been posting these dance videos that the vast majority of the public think are crazy yet they’ve never been brought up in court against her. Or her reposting or those pics where her hair and makeup isn’t done. I just don’t think it’s a big factor for this case.


    If the court ever did turn down this path, I’d bet my ass that her lawyer would have NONE of it. He seems really on top of everything so he’d probably shut that shit down straight away




    Yeah, you're right about the dance videos. People mock her for them yet they were never used against her. 


    3 hours ago, willfoshizzle said:

    Good god girl get a grip. The level of HYPOCRISY. Absolutely disgusting. Kim professional? HA They aint even close to the same and it’s beyond disrespectful to put them in your own mental social class. Kim has done everything in her power to change her body, skin color and face, where’s the mental diagnosis on that one? 



    The Kardashians are an obvious case of body dismorphia and narcissism but I don't remember the media calling them insane and mocking their mental illness. Why are you so triggered in every answer? People don't think that Britney is doing something bad and slutty but rather if that's going to be used against her. 

  6. I got used to seeing celebs showing off their tits and more but it's still socially unacceptable in the majority parts of the world. Celebs and models have a pass because they have fans to defend them plus they've usually posed professionally so there's something artistic behind it. Still, Britney has to act socially acceptable to show she's mentally stable and she has a history of mental illness unlike Kim K and Emily Ratajkovski. It's easy being a feminist and saying that it's her body bla bla bla and I'm all for that but we need to think realistically. 

  7. Thoughs on the recent topless spamming? 


    I don't think it's her but rather her team trying to make her look insane. I remember her saying somewhere that she's not comfortable anymore in dressing and dancing overly sexy because of her age and teenage sons. Makes sense. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    i think we're underestimating chemtrails, people DO like it, even if you don't, or maybe the opinion of lanaboards in general is that it's boring, obviously people still stream the album, buy the vinyls, etc. i'm aware that it's not performing the absolute best, and that could be a combination of things, very low-key release, qftc, etc. i can admit that it's not as stand-out as her previous albums and it does pale in comparison to nfr, but i think we need to give it some credit, it's a very nice album with great tracks, such as white dress, tulsa jesus freak, dbjag, & yosemite


    I've heard opinions outside of LanaBoards and people still like it less than her other albums or don't like it at all. It sells but her older albums still have more demand (trust me, I've been in every single record store). It's not a total flop but people like it less than her other work, including fans. What's worse is that it's got a lot of undeserving bad publicity because of its timing and the "racist" cover but it's ironically the most innocent album by a mainstream artist that came out recently. I like Breaking Up Slowly, Yosemite and Dance Till We Die but I often skip them and they're non comparable to her older stuff. It's not bad but I think it will be the forgotten album every artist has in their career. 

  9. 8 hours ago, mlittle11 said:

    i dont even want lana to get a grammy. its such an unnecessary accomplishment it literally means nothing. its political and has nothing to do with an artists talent. :crossed:


    Exactly. I love the fact that they're loosing popularity every year because they don't deserve credibility. I remember when they couldn't even pronounce the name of that Kazakhstan guy who won for the Roses remix. Also Billie releasing two whole songs an winning a Grammy for one of them while some who deserve it weren't even nominated. Piece of shits. I don't even want to go about politics but I'll just say that my hybrid regime/flawed democracy country has less biased award shows and more diverse thinking celebs which shows the state of California. 

  10. 1 hour ago, COCC said:

    Watch history repeat itself next year :wtf3:


    Lmao watch Olivia taking three Grammys for Sour and Billie two or one Grammy for something no one gives a fuck. Next year a new 17 year old alt kid will blow up and do the same because the industry sees profit in reletable teens (+vurnerable to abuse). If Lana takes one Grammy of her entire career it would be lovely, but I she failed in her BTD, UV and NFR era I highly doubt she will now. :pft:

  11. 2 hours ago, CinnamonGay said:

    Omg.... so THERE IS A DEFINITE POSSIBILITY that all the songs that were scrapped were prolly during her happy Clay era...


    Omg...then the new songs are gonna be fucking sadddddddddd..


    So I'm assuming they broke up in May? ...she drops the singles , doesnt say a word about them. Pushes the release date. 


    Rock candy sweet(Loved u then and  now) was probably a romantic sweet ballad...so she broke up before June 1 so she didnt release it omg..


    Inc CRUEL WORLD 2.0


    I feel bad whenever someone breaks up unless it was toxic but now I feel guilty for wanting a UV 2.0. and Honeymoon's love child album. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, lamms said:

    it's time for some crack theory pulled out of my ass:

    she'll revisit her don't call me angel role and serve tight leather spionage looks which she hinted at with this selphie she immediately deleted, because she wanted to see how smart her fans possibly are to crack the code. since no one has figured it out yet she's been dead silent and will remain undercover until it is mentioned somewhere so here we go

      Reveal hidden contents


    she'll post tomorrow more info since we cracked the code ladies, gents and non binaries :mariah:

      Reveal hidden contents

    i've reached a point where i feel like the rotisserie chicken



    The fact that I like the idea and the fact that everyone wants anything but her most likely vibe/aesthetic:awk:

    When will she realize that barely anyone wants a settled down, down to earth, Midwestern look? Like Trixie Mattel said, we want luxury, mystery or whatever. Not this, Jesus Christ, and what is Lana wearing on her live shows... 

    Also Nikki is too loud and it's as if the microphone, sound system or whatever doesn't let more than one voice to be heard. I get these videos in recommended all the time and every single one is bad. 


  13. 12 hours ago, Alison by Slowdive said:


    oh this frances drama was way back in like 2014! i was just wondering how their dynamic is now given that courtney and lana have become friends.

    when lana said she wanted to be dead, frances criticised her on twitter for glamorising early deaths (like her father's:crai:

    and i feel like frances' criticism rly helped solidify the accusations against lana in the public arena that she was glamorising many serious issues like suicide, addiction, abusive relationships, etc. and that her persona and attitude was... curated 




    Omg the audacity :flop:. Is that the same girl that had a suicide themed sweet 16? One of the dumbest and most morbid things to do while having the audacity to critique Lana. Excuse me, what did she do in her life besides giving interviews about her father who she barely knew and trying to start drama with A listers? She even insulted Kendall Jenner while Kendall is a least doing something in life. Nothing better to expect with a mother like Courtney, inserting herself in other people's business. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Alison by Slowdive said:


    the way no one questioned her mental health and instead chose to punish her for publicly displaying signs of mental illness :brandy: i wonder if frances cobain ever apologised to her for being so presumptuous in her criticism of lana esp since lana and courtney are now good friends


    7 hours ago, Moon Driver said:


    i don't think so...

    because frances is problematic (follow her twitter/instagram but she deletes everything}

    it's sad to see women destroying each other.


    Wait. What did I miss? Can i have a link or a short summary. I unfollowed Frances on Instagram because all I saw was a wannabe artist with a guitar (Courtney looks like Freddie Mercury next to her) and a lot of plastic surgery, literally nothing special about that girl. 

  15. 5 hours ago, LanaTheRay said:


    im so fucking sick of this romanticization bullshit 


    Why is it anytime a musical artist journalizes a relationship or literally ANYTHING that isn’t politically correct or sings about something that isn’t palatable it gets reduced by some stupid pseudo intellectual who has the audacity to police art or immediately assume the artist is glamorizing whatever the fuck they’re talking about


    It’s always let’s blame the fucking artist and make them feel shit for romanticizing “x” as if the artist is tone deaf or some insane person who enjoys traumatic situations


    It’s wild to me that some people immediately think Lana is like advertising Lolita/these type of predatory relationships as if she’s like the Ghislaine Maxwell of alternative music or some shit, like is it so hard to believe perhaps Lana’s been through an experience herself in which she was pursued by an older man when she was younger and like many artists found catharsis in reimagining the “sour” situation she experienced and turned it into something sweet, or in this case a bombastic pop song? 





    Imo even if Lolita wasn't what it is the song on her own is pretty cringe for Lana's standards. The spelling, the chorus along with the high pitched voice is all ughhh. 


    I agree with you. People are going back to policing art the same way religion policed everything only on the other spectrum. The only time I'm for policing is when people promote sexualization of minors in TV shows, modeling industry etc. There's a team that creates it for profit rather for art and that makes it disgusting. 


    People have sang and wrote about toxic things since forever. Without that, we have children's music or classic music. Without "glamorizing" toxic things new subcultures would've never been born. 


    It sucks how people are so selective what should be glamorized. For example, it's okay glamorizing being a slut, being a piece of shit to your boyfriend, partying extremely hard, drugs etc. 

    Okay so if I continue this I'll write a better version of Question of The Culture so I'll end here. 

  16. 23 hours ago, KimKaDAB said:

    She needs so much a TikTok viral ?


    Everything Is Embarrassing, Red Lips, Voices Cary and maybe You're Not The One are Tiktok material. 


    Red Lips especially. 


    watch me start a viral trend :gasp:

  17. On 7/23/2021 at 11:42 PM, KimKaDAB said:

    Coutney Love saying she have Sky Ferreira stories ¿¿¿¿?


    Lol i really need to hear these


    I swear that hag has to insert her ass everywhere. She's famous for everything besides her music although she has a couple of decent songs. 


    Sky gives me recovering drug addict vibes based on her Instagram selfies. 


    I still can't get over that I wasn't on Tumblr in 2013 when I was a young teen but at the same time I would be so insecure for not having where to buy soft grunge and pastel goth clothes and a having a shitty android camera. :oic3:

  18. 1 hour ago, Bunny Mozart said:

    I'm not getting any jazz influences from BB at all tbh. If anything I think it'll definitely be a COCC 2.0 (even though none of us want to admit it), but the BB songs we have could easily be a continuation of COCC with maybe some NFR undertones 


    I still think those singles were released separately for a reason. Thunder sounds heavily like a cheerful version of UV songs and WW sounds kinda Honeymoon, gives me Terrence loves you vibes for the sound. Considering her last two albums, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a NFR 2.0. or COCC 2.0. It just sucks how versatile her first albums were compared to neverending piano flops. 

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