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Posts posted by shady

  1. 13 hours ago, Angelic Tropico said:

    To lighten the mood and get this thread back on track: I think Honeymoon is her best album cover and is the best album photoshoot as a whole


    OMG YES! I'm dying for the whole 2LP design that comes with a booklet. Not that it's Lana, but I can't think of a better vinyl design than Honeymoon. It's so simple yet so beautiful. It makes me want to live a a big beautiful house with a huge garden in some small town. I wish she did a similar design for the inside of UV 2LP with using Neil's photos and a booklet instead of just putting a pic of LA and having plain sleeves. 

  2. 54 minutes ago, The Siren said:




    Never saw this continuation post ?





    I don't remember reading it but I 'liked' it when it was posted. She literally gave a good argument why her original statement wasn't racist but the comments still discredit her feelings because she is white. I'm also white and a majority but does that mean I don't suffer sexism and toxic societal expectations. Her statement could apply to women of all races that have a similar personality, sure that woc suffer more in the west but this was written by her sharing her feelings. It reminds me of those situations whenever women talk about physical abuse and sexual assault men have to jump and be like "But men are killed more and commit suicide more hurrr durr". Nobody said you suffer less Chad, it's just that the topic was centered around women atm. It's basically oppression Olympics. 

  3. 9 hours ago, creditcardromancer said:

    I’m not going to pretend being fat is aesthetically pleasing because we all know it isn’t. I still love my gorgeous queen but I simply cannot stan someone who promotes unhealthy lifestyles, the vaping was bad enough… 


    Why do people like you assume that people are fat only because they're lazy pigs? Dude what if she has an illness or something? Are you okay? Quick tip: when someone becomes overweight in an year or less it's most likely because of medical reasons. Hopefully you or someone close to you doesn't become overweight and gets body shamed by judgemental assholes. 


    Also I love how people are so hypocritical these days. So, Lana's promoting unhealthy lifestyles just now, but when she smoked in music videos it was cool, right? Recently smoking became uncool and many people are shamed for it but at the same time it's wrong to shame drug users and stoners? Lana is overweight but who cares, she still looks healthy. She had an ED in her BTD era but since her body looked conventionally attractive who cares about her health. Hypocrites. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Sugar Venom said:

    After honeymoon Zella day and Weyes blood literally made a pact and cast a spell and stole lanas talent for themselves… or maybe it’s just that Jack antonoff sucks and everyone bullied Lana so much that she doesn’t feel safe to public ally explore certain topics in her music anymore and we’re stuck w this reformed LDR 


    Omg I love Zella. I've been a fan since Hypnotic and the song High is still a bop till this day. Her recent cover Crazy Train is literally better than the original and I wish Lana's music went into that direction instead of making piano flops. 


    everyone bullied Lana so much that she doesn’t feel safe to public ally explore certain topics in her music anymore


    I've said the same on a different thread for her post NFR! eras and someone disagreed and had a good point. They said that maybe she's not actually insecure but the opposite. Maybe she became full of herself from all the critical acclaim for NFR! that she doesn’t really care about putting an effort in her music and lyrics because she knows it will be successful more or less, so so controversial stuff. If you meant about her walking on eggshells from way before, she kinda was annoying in her LFL woke feminist years and didn't realize that her fans loved the "problematic" Lana and that she should've please her fans rather than some random critics. 

  5. 19 hours ago, VioletBunny said:

    Disagree 100%. She’s already started creating music with new producers for new projects (such as Mike). She’s not giving any signs of giving up yet. As well, she’s been trying new stuff like the country album with Nikki. 

    and what makes you think BB is gonna be received badly? It’s shaping up to sound pretty great. 


    She's definitely constantly creating but at the same time she doesn't seem to care so much about fame and sales anymore. I imagine her living a normal life and having a kid but still writing and recording demos that will be on some album in several years. It's kinda crazy how she has a year gap or two between every album and continued to be consistent for +10 years. I do think that NFR was her last album to be mainstream and that the next 5 albums will be very low key. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Trash Magic said:

    I'm expecting something drowned in reverb and dreamy from her since she has covered Fade Into You and Heaven Or Las Vegas. More stuff like Never Be Me. I'm sure it's gonna be great as long as she doesn't veer too far off what worked so well on Plastic Hearts. :excited:


    Why no both lol. But personally I think her voice and attitude definitely matches something more rough. When 2020-21 Miley sings soft songs it's kinda off because her voice has become so rough over the years. In her Bangerz era her soft vocals were perfect. Either way I hope her next album will be with less pop elements like autotune and more with live instruments. 

    She definitely fits into glam metal and if misogynistic glam metal didn't have a female star in the 80s it's time to make up for the loss lol. 

  7. On 7/28/2021 at 4:11 PM, Trash Magic said:

    I had to buy the Plastic Hearts vinyl now it's finally out. So worth it for 2LP + booklet. Album has been the most consistent soundtrack to my past year. Classic yup

    Omg yes. The last time I gave a shit about Miley was in her Bangerz era. Plastic Hearts is so fresh except that I can't seem to like Side C but everything else is so good. My friend wanted to buy me the 2LP as a birthday present but it was out of her budget but it's okay. I just don't like the golden G string pic in the gatefold lmao. I know that she was aiming from the slightly sleezy aesthetic but I wish she chose her photo instead. Everything else is so cool and hopefully I'll buy it one day. 


    After seeing her Magnum performance I can't believe why she didn't sing rock sooner. She has such a natural rockstar stage presence. Hopefully her next album will be pure rock. 

  8. I'm not a huge fan of her music except for her biggest hits, I don't like her as a person but whenever I hear my generation say that she's nothing special and that they have no idea what was the hype around her I can barely hold myself from saying "You're fucking dumb af, aren't you? ". Seriously, she literally changed the image of pop stars forever. It's hard to name a more influential artist than her. 

  9. 1 hour ago, urgirl said:

    I wish we knew more about her life before fame. Like her whole life before BTD release. I know I have no right to that info obviously but I want it so bad tbh. 

    This was an iconic moment in American history 

    I usually don't give a shit about celebrities' past but Lana is one of those who definitely have an interesting past. I imagine her being like Serena Van Der Woodsen in her New York and boarding school days based on what she describes herself in Carmen etc. 

  10. 1 hour ago, BluebirdXO said:


    I think that some people got mad because she said that it sounded exotic. I don't think that exotic have a bad meaning, but I'm not american so I cannot speak for them


    I found this American article that explains why it's wrong: https://www.thelamron.com/posts/2018/11/8/exotic-is-offensive-wrongly-objectifies-non-white-people


    But I don't know if this applies to other countries that use the same word


    I've heard about that but the point is that Lana's image couldn't be more white American and there's nothing exotic about it except her name. Her image literally screams "I've never vacationed outside of America". Even if she went by Svetlana and Anastasia I wouldn't care less because it's not like she's pretending she's a different ethnicity like Bhad Bhabie and other trailer trash. 

  11. I remember reading around Q4TC era that people were mad about Lana Del Rey as a stage name because it's.. fetishizing? racist? or whatever. I find nothing racist about that because her stage name does sound more catchy than Elizabeth Grant. It's show business. For example, people in my Slavic country sometimes have a stage names that sounds more English, Latin or Italian like Teodora -> Tea, Andjela -> Angellina. Idk why they do that because they're not trying to make it internationally but that happens in other languages and people have a reason for it. I would do the same in their shoes because I don't have a catchy name either. 

  12. On 6/18/2020 at 10:58 AM, poetic jess said:


    So I think Sky's mom commented on the video I made where I talked about her album delays lol

    Can someone confirm if this is her? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUJIecIt2F8


    This is what she said~

    Comment #1: 

    Actually your so off. It was a a idea from micheal.jackson. next venice is where shes from and it wasnt a rich neighborhood. When she grew up. Next shes not privilege white girl shes latina and native American i know ok she didn't grow up rich im her mother. You think you know my daughter your facts are off. Lol and Sky's a artist and actress and model and a. Writer and done pretty well. And my daughter did mot use men as props. Im sorry but you do sound hateful maybe find a real job i oh nasty cherry don't really song. Maybe get clue its gimmick nasty cherry research the bad little better jokes on you .oh how many people have watched your dumb video .


    Comment #2:

    Actually she does do pretty well her income is fine she has film shes also in twilight zone and other films coming. Out so you clearly need to do some real research


    I am confused and um yeah... 




    I just quickly browsed this thread because I've only read recent pages and I found this masterpiece. 


    "Next shes not privilege white girl shes latina and native American i know ok she didn't grow up rich im her mother.


    I'm Slavic and Sky looks whiter than my ass who can only burn in the sun:godlaugh2:. Just because you don't look your ethnicity doesn't mean you can't have white privileges. Her mother obviously doesn't look white but sky has a stereotypical Anglo Saxon look. Reminds ne when Halsey was constantly bringing up her father's side to appeal to black people.


  13. @ChaoticLipster


    It's morbid but that scenario came to my head when checking her Instagram. She gives me drug addict vibes or someone who's depressed, in her most recent photos she looks really drained and she only looks polished and happy in her old photos. In her selfies she looks always very tired. Pretty sad. When you see her Instagram she doesn't seem like someone who would want to promote herself and her music. 

  14. 32 minutes ago, YourGirl666 said:

    Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (born June 21, 1949), known professionally as Sparkle Jump Rope Queen, is an American singer-songwriter. Her music is noted for its stylized, low quality and exploration of themes of sadness, tragic romance, trailer parks, old rich men and Elvis thirst, containing many references to pop culture, particularly 50s and 60s Americana. Sparkle Jump Rope Queen became worldwide famous with the hit singles "Boom Like That", "Unidentified Flying Bill" (featuring the country legend Nikki Lane) , "Coconut & Key Lime Pie" and "Roll With Me", from her debut album "American Sweetheart". She is also known for her groundbreaking music videos, unlike anything in the music industry right now. The usually 4 minute long music videos are made from vintage movie clips and low quality snippets of the artist dancing in her trailer with seashell bikini, garden panties and the American flag.



    Girl, just because she made amazing videos in the past doesn't mean she will now. The description of the videos are obviously describing her BTD era, to be more specific Video Games, Summertime Sadness, Ride and National Anthem and they're iconic. The music video for Arcadia is literally just her standing behind the window and then twirling in the kitchen. 

  15. 4 hours ago, COCC said:


    We need news... or a user posting a controversial opinion so that we have something to applaud or drag :oprah3:


    Okay.. I'll go first. 

    When Lana posted Arcadia a.k.a. Map Of LA snippet in IG I realized that it will probably be another lazy ass era a

    with a idgaf attitude once again. Thunder and Cherry Blossom restored my hope but that instagram post destroyed it. Also, If the first music video is going to be like she posted, sis, leave it to the people who made music videos from movie clips on YouTube. This is sad. It's the equivalent of showing up on someone's wedding wearing a baggy t-shirt and jeans.

    Is this enough?

  16. On 8/14/2021 at 1:38 AM, CocaColaCrystalMeth said:

    So idk if it's just in my city that everyone says this but it seems everyone in mtl hates her cause she's apparently too depressing to listen to and my blood boils when I hear this cause I don't think so at all.. her music is a kind of sadness that produces euphoria if anyone can understand and relate to what I mean..



    I literally have never felt sadness when listening her music. My cousin introduced me to Lana in her BTD era saying that her songs are heartbreaking. I've always felt peace or like I'm in a series with her music being a soundtract. Shades of Cool and 13 Beaches have hopeless lyrics but it's literally a viiiibee to listen it while driving by the beach (bonus if it's golden hour). For the "soundtrack" vibe I can think of Diet Mountain Dew and West Coast when I'm in a city and Honeymoon is only at night. So yeah... sadness not found 

  17. I don't have high expectations for BB, I just like hanging out on the thread because I'm bored with looking at people's Instagram stories. I had high hopes when I heard Thunder but now I feel like it will be filled with piano flops once again. Actually I lost hope when she posted Arcadia a.k.a. Map of LA with that bland ass video. She's either trying to make NFR 2.0 or she doesn't give a fuck anymore. 

  18. 15 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    She probably has a whole Neil photoshoot on her laptop waiting to be used for all of 2021-2022 publications :thumb2:.

    I miss her interviews. I want her to talk about the album and tease at least 1 more track and the general sound of the record.


    I can't get over how she put an effort in her image during the Honeymoon era when I look back and now she can't even reveal one more photo, not even talk about what her fans can expect.

    Girl, don't be mad if barely any stand stans buy your vinyl and write Q4TC 2.0 name dropping Olivia Rodrigo. 

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