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Posts posted by shady

  1. 16 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    Why would cottage core be offensive??


    Promoting white eurocentric lifestyle in the colonial era therefore it's racist although black people practice it and can pull it off and no one's excluding them. Just a bunch of white people being offended on someone's behalf. Same goes for light/dark academica, boooo white people glamorizing architecture and literature written by Europeans, the horror, the racism.:eyeroll: These idiots fail to realize that some European countries were never slavemadters and colonizers but still had those aesthetics.


    If a trend was a mix of white, black and asian culture there would be still gatekeeping about who's allowed to wear it so it's a lose lose situation. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Ziegfeld Follies said:

    Mid August I'm sitting here thinking about those insta stories/posts she made alluding to her revenge, those past publications about her, announcing a specific date for Rock Candy Sweet ... and I'm left here wondering where that came from, what her motivations were?  She must have been sure in that moment it was going to happen that way.  Just seems so strange in retrospect.  was it cold feet? 


    Not to sound like an armchair psychologist but it definitely looks like cold feet. She was probably extremely confident cause of NFR's praise both from the public and critics plus the grammy nomination. She thought that she would receive support for her statements and behavior last year but it was quite the opposite and I assume the backlash for the COCC aesthetic was the final nail in the coffin. Plus people these days bodyshame her whenever she's mentioned. I understand critiquing cultural appropriation, black face, racist jokes and Nazi symbolism but people are literally offended by cottage core and Lana was the scapegoat. I don't blame her for her lack of confidence, I remember reading comments on IG like "It's really hard to stan Lana these days". 

  3. 9 hours ago, vrtvie said:

    I've just seen Venice Bitch is the highest-rated song of Lana's on rateyourmusic. Of course it's because for some weird reason NFR as an album and its tracks have got plenty of ratings, unlike the rest of her discography. I don't get it. Anyway, the thing is; people thinking Venice Bitch is Lana's best song are tone deaf. I said what I said.


    Omg yes, why? I listened to that song when it came out but it's literally background music and unnecessarily long. The lyrics aren't special either. A huge chunk of the song is that monotone instrumental that just won't stop. I don't remember ever replaying it. I'm not saying the song is bad, it's literally on my playlist but it's so so so so overrated. The entire NFR is so overrated and I don't know a single fan irl that adores that album. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Venice Peach said:

    When Cherry Blossom gets reworked into a screamer goth metal track... :creepna:


    Please don't give me ideas. Lana's voice would fit perfectly into softer goth :godlaugh:. Imagine her sounding like Cities In Dust and How Soon Is Now? looking like this or similar like in her UV era... 



    Stop it with the good suggestions you guys when the album will probably be just a slightly better version of COCC. There, I've said it. :awkney:

  5. Everytime I go to the comment section of an article from my country about Free Britney I get disgusted by people and I could clearly see how the public viewed her back then. 

    So the "more civilized" were armchair psychologists saying how she's seriously mentally ill and that her father is right. They gatekeep mental illness and basically saying how a conservatorship is good for the mentally ill. How do you know how she is mentally? We don't know it either except that she's not demented. 

    The other half are people saying how she is a disgusting drug addict and should be locked for the rest of her life. Some are even comparing Britney's supporters to supporters of our ruling party. Okay? :eyeroll:

    Usually 1/5 of the comments are obviously Gen Z supporting her. 

    I can clearly see that these hateful people were probably teens/young adults in 2007-8 and they kept the same attitude that they had back then. 

    I can't understand how people who don't believe this and say that the family has no reason to do this don't realize that people murder for tens of thousands of dollars. Keeping someone alive and earning millions sounds like a dream come true for con artists. 

  6. My ranking and I'm pretty sure I'll trigger someone... 


    1. Born To Die (iconic but I overplayed it so much in middle school that my brain washed it down). 

    2. Honeymoon (I would need to write an essay for this but instead, two words - "dark luxe", search it on Pinterest btw). 

    3. Ultraviolence (the lyrics gave me chills, the instrumental was everything) 

    4. Lust For Life (vibey but far less from 1,2,3, tried too hard to make it chart-friendly) 

    5. NFR (Okay, maybe if I listen it a couple of more times I will like it more) 

    6. COCC (mediocre, too predictable, the melody is pretty meh, the lyrics aren't special either) 

    7. BB (pretty mediocre song and pretty bad for a title track and Lana's standards) 


  7. 3 hours ago, CocaColaCrystalMeth said:


    Take a look at this vid plz.

    The beginning of the video speaks for itself. 


    Lmao that's the video where I discovered Sky Ferreira. 


    Tbh look at every recent artist, the sampling, "paying homage" and "inspirations" are unreal and so so obvious. Halsey at least wasn't that obvious in "taking inspiration" from other artists. She was a basic soft grunge Tumblr girl and that was her lane. Even Dua Lipa's recent hits are samples after samples of already classic 80s hits that it's basically recycled music and guaranteed success. I still like the Badlands Halsey and own that vinyl in honor of my teenage music taste and I can confirm that it still doesn't sound outdated, the art and production are great for a debut album and the lyrics scream angsty highschool/college girl. After Badlands and that Chainsmokers collab she came across so fake and pretentious with all her bullshit opinions. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Bunny Mozart said:

    Okay let's change the topic because this mental health discussion is boring and petty.


    What colour will the vinyl be? :prettyhurts:


    Something like this but that looks more like a blue quartz. Lana isn't very strong at her colored vinyl game. She often choses the most obvious colors that often don't even match the vibe, I only like BTD and Honeymoon but she shoud've do a velvet red BTD vinyl not a basic red.



    Btw Britney is so 2000s pop culture that I can't imagine owning her vinyl. It sounds so odd. She is pure badazzled CD vibes. I don't like how every artist and their dog today releases vinyl copies, even Kidz Bop did.

  9. 15 hours ago, LanaTheRay said:

    Tidal shows me my top 30 listened songs at the end of every month and last month was the first month ever that not a single Lana song made it into my top 30, release something girl  


    Lol for me it's the complete opposite. When I visit this site I get reminded about her best songs and how I took her best eras for granted and listen to one song, two, then another one, another one, another one, another one and sudddendly I listened an entire album.

  10. @ChaoticLipster

    The only time an artist, including Lana owes you something is if you pre ordered/ordered an album/merchandise for her site that has to arrive, her appearing at the concert you bought tickets for or something similar. So, in case you invested money in her album, she owes you, but otherwise she doesn't. Please keep in mind that she's a human who lives far far away from you, who doesn't know you exist and probably never will so if you can't handle her not releasing music, please leave this site and unstan her. She has 6 albums + unreleased songs for fuck's sake. Go listen to that. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I think that's very subjective. For me Chemtrails is as interesting as BTD. She hasn't lost a bit of what made her stand out. She was always about the music and that's it. Look at Video Games, she isn't even in 80% of the MV and still made people tune in a be interested in her. All of the pre BTD MV are homemade ones cause she wanted to. If she had the budget to book studio time and record EPs, a whole album and the countless 2009-2011 songs, she had the budget to film standard videos but she didn't.


    BTD was just the result of a label trying to market her. And don't get me wrong, they did it flawlessly, they combined Lana's great vision with a full team of professionals that made it come alive but I don't think simpler means uninteresting.

    She said it herself "it's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me"


    Well, we and a big portion of people here are more than average fans so a lot of people here love anything she puts out. Unfortunately, the majority of fans and casual listeners don't think the same. She is very popular here and from my observation, she is losing interest from her average fans and it's pretty sad but very real. Her listeners are often into alt and rock music so her switching to folk and purely piano ballads will push them away. Video games was fresh in that era but I feel like she became globally famous when the title track and SS were released. 



    I know how BTD was made lol. They tried to push her like an outcast with the popular kids. I remember the cringe I felt when I found an old 2011 CD of pop hits where Video Games was between LMFAO and Flo Rida like :madge:. Who tf think it was a good idea to sneak an alt ballad with club hits?

  12. 19 hours ago, mlittle11 said:

    i just feel like if past lana saw this album rollout and chemtrails album rollout she would be so disappointed in herself. i feel like lanas lost her spark or its just gotten buried underneath her hate for the spotlight but im really hoping im proven wrong. 


    I have been saying this long time ago. She's not as charismatic as she used to be. She lost everything that made her stand out. It's not hateful to admit that. Look at Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Kesha etc. none of them are as interesting as they used to be. I'm still looking forward to her album but I don't have very high expectations because her older stuff always beats her newer stuff. People here who defend her probably became fans from BTD or UV. Would you feel the same about her if you discovered her in the COCC era? I highly doubt that. The passive agressive comments whenever someone brings this up is just denial. 



    As for others, if Lana's career decisions affect your mental state maybe book a therapy session, find another hobby or expand your music taste. 

    Edit: grammar mistakes made by my dumb ass

  13. 13 hours ago, DinahLee said:

    It's crazy. For sure she'd *never* get anything like a Hit of sorts, but it's just clear that she does have a "cult following". I have no ideia if her ideas are too expensive for Capitol to pay knowing there will be no return and then they can't get a deal, or what the fuck goes on, but it feels like there's no agreement between both parties.


    The way she always tries to paint it as "I'm a perfectionist" "not releasing til it's right" and also knowing that she's pretty much a visual artist... I can't imagine any other reason.


    We don't know that. Her debut album was pretty successful for someone who financed by themselves. It wasn't mainstream but it aged nicely, kinda like Lana's work. Her promotions are extremely extremely bad. I've been following the indie scene on yt in middle school and never have I ever came across to her until 2015. I've played Voices Carry to multiple people and the majority liked it after the first chorus, including me. It wasn't "its nice..." it was "Oooohhh that's niice". Also, moody artists are very trendy atm. She is the full package for a successful artist targeted at teens and young adults but considering everything that happened, everything falls into water. Her Instagram is also very depressing. 

  14. 2 hours ago, daphnedinkley said:

    this might sound strangely specific but i'm hoping for more drug references on this record because i've always really loved the way lana writes about drugs. obviously not expecting "snort coke off my tits daddy then fuck me on the balcony" or whatever :toofunny:  maybe it's just bc i'm a druggy myself idk but i've always loved some of her lines about drugs, even her recent ones, like on cinnamon girl for example: "all the pills that you take / violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arms length don't work". such a sad and poetic line that says so much about our self-medicating culture and also how so many of us deal with the pressures of relationships and stuff idk :( and of course all of heroin is super heartbreaking and beautiful. but then you have fun, cheeky lines like in heavy hitter - "lets ch-ch-change our dna" - and since drugs are kind of a taboo topic it's always fun to see how an artist might tackle writing about them!


    Not a druggie here but her best music mentions drugs and at least in my opinion she doesn't sing about them in a cringey way. The way she describes those situations is like watching that intimidating female fictional character you secretly wish it was you. So yeah, that's my take on why she should continue that. I don't want to listen her sing about being a country girl wanting a man, kids and love. Boooring. Literally what 98% of folk songs' lyrics in my country. 


    Also I wish she should have some indie girl or rocker dude featured. Nikki may sound decent in studio with her but they're awful together live. Lana's voice is too delicate for a stronger, nasaly country voice. Nikki kinda sounds like Miley Cyrus in the Plastic Hearts era. 

  15. 1 hour ago, plastiscguy said:

    But what if it isn't Lana's fault? If RCS was truly meant to be her "revenge album" maybe her label forced her to scrap it because of how controversial it might have been...

    Taking in consideration all the drama from last year, it might have been a good call to protect her image as an artist :creep:


    Of course, that doesn't mean I don't wanna hear those other tracks, but God knows she doesn't need more backlash :toofunny: and who knows! Maybe they'll leak someday :hooker:


    She shouldn't argue with anyone anymore. The only time she won was against Azealia Banks, the most low hanging fruit along with Courtney Love lmao. She's not really the type to have epic feuds and win like female rappers do. 

    Speaking of Courtney Love... 


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