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Posts posted by shady

  1. 9 hours ago, MrFameKills said:

    So true, she seems actually invested in her work as an artist, despite some people saying she's putting stuff out for the sake of it and needs a break.


    No matter how much was I saying that she got lazy she's still more hardworking than the majority of mainstream artists. She appears lazy for her own standards but you can clearly see how much COCC means to her and that she wanted to show us a different, raw side of her. 

    I genuinely think that she's not confident in her work as usual and that may be the reason behind her lowkey attitude with not releasing stuff. Remember what happened when she revealed that album cover? She became a meme and people were laughing at her, not with her. Kinda like when you're roasted in a group chat and feel repulsed to immediately go back to normal chatting so you become lowkey and watch your words more than before for some time. 


  2. A couple of things about Lana:


    I don't know if anyone has so many good leaked unreleased songs that are listened as much as her official songs. I remember when 60% of her songs on my phone were unreleased and I wasn't even aware of it. That's one of the reasons why I'm not concerned about LDR8 and also when hearing Thunder. The song doesn't sound like a stereotypical LDR song but it stil sounds like her. I'm manifesting of her going in that direction despite being recorded in 2017 with Alex and scrapped from their mutual album. Also wtf are people hating on LFL so much? Have you forgot that Cherry and Heroin are on that album, one of her best songs ever? Chill. The album kinda sounds like a compilation but Lana has spoiled us too much. 


    Also I can't wait until late 2010s or 2030s when girls like Olivia Rodrigo start copying BTD album art for "paying homage". 

  3. 1 hour ago, lanasbottom said:

    she can be upset without looking stupid as fuck. nearly every woman she names besides camila, kehlani and ariana went through ten times worse than lana ever did and she could’ve made her stupid point without unnecessarily naming women who have it worse than her by just not being white. how many times do people have to explain that? 


    Even if she wasn't naming women and comparing herself to them she would've offended people. People an year ago were basically gatekeeping feminism and feminists and telling her that she has no right to feel like that and mocked her for considering herself to be delicate, which confirms that her feelings were valid. They claimed that feminism was always for women like Lana but why are then hypersexulized women in 90% of case faces of modern feminism? It does seem like exclusion although it may not actually be. On the other hand, she acted like she was the biggest victim in the music industry when I have yet to meet a Lana hater irl nor I have read disgusting comments about her before QFTC. Meanwhile I don't remember when Nicki wasn't hated since 2012. 


    People still mock her for calling herself Gangsta Nancy Sinatra 10 year ago while for some reason it's not cringy to call yourself the Baddest Bitch (we've forgot that bitch was originally an insult to women). I defended Nicki in my previous paragraph but it's kinda hypocritical when she's considered cool for rapping about her big fat ass, being the baddest bitch while Gangsta Nancy Sinatra turns people off. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Frangipani said:

    The way I became a fan at the beginning of COCC to experience the 2 worst pre releases ever

      Reveal hidden contents

    ...yet :bebe:


    She's done a great job at killing any and all hype for this era. It would be a completely different story if she was actually reliable with dates...

    I guess all I can do is sit back and enjoy the chaos :godlaugh:


    If she has decent songs and music videos she will bring the hype back. For all of her releases from UV I was like "Oh, Lana has a new album, I'll give it a listen". I didn't follow the news, I didn't know anything about promo and eras, it was just in my recommendation and those songs are still on my playlist. I'm saying you shouldn't lose hope because of this horrible pre release era. We will be pissed and hopeless and when she drops it we will be staning, I hope so. 

  5. I don't know if this was mentioned before but I read a comment saying that Thunder was made with Alex Turner and Miles Kane and that they made an album together but never released it.  The guitar riff definitely sounds like AM specifically Do I Wannna Know just more quiet. Now I can't get over that alleged album with Alex Turner, they're a perfect match. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:


    That's fine and all but the facts are the facts. Be in denial all you want. Pandemic happened. It's still happening in some places of the world. People died. It may be harder to replace the people who literally died than you think in factories, facilities, etc. Shes an album artist and her music sells best when she has physicals at release. Who knows though, she may change it up and do a digital release. That still doesn't change the fact that things may be different that what you think. If it were that simple, we wouldn't still have book, movie, and video game delays well into next year and the year after. Tours can change and festivals can change. They can refund your ticket if it gets cancelled. This is a physical release, it's not the same thing as festivals and tours which are mainly scheduled for next year. There's a few this year but not many


    Also, being rich doesn't mean she doesn't want her business to be successful while writing music as a therapeutic form of escapism and for herself. She's allowed to be a business woman and make money if she wants to, while writing music for herself to get her thoughts out? Her way of doing it is selling music, tours, and merch, which a lot of us pay lots of money for. Why are we now resulting to gatekeeping because she's rich and she has a business so she's not "making music for herself, she clearly sells things"? :scoff: To each their own about their opinions, but she's clearly made a path for other artists and she's a legend of our generation. Lol you're on a Lana forum in case you didn't know


    I wasn't talking about physical copies being delayed, I said specifically that vinyl delays (in this case other physical copies) are completely understandable because that's planned for months in advance. For making a digital album you don't need a lot of people. If she has a problem with the physical release she could, you know, say it that is what keeps her from releasing the album. Miley is yet to release vinyl for almost an year old album and she said it loud and clear that the pandemic kept her from releasing and I'm not blaming her. 


    Are you aware that the record label finances the artist and expects profit in return, the artist rarely gets to pay for the creation of their music? The only case I know is Sky Ferreira who had to pay for her album to be made. I don't know if Lana does the same. Lana is a legend but it's kinda delusional if your think that she's the best performer. She's our favorite artist but we can acknowledge that there are people who atr better vocalist, performers etc. than her. 

  7. 29 minutes ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:


    This is nothing like that. Remember-- covid still exists. Things may be delayed at any point for anything. Pay attention to release dates for everything- movies, video games, books, music. Everything has been delayed by over a year. COCC was delayed by 6 months. 

    I'm sorry that happened to you, and yes that person was abusive, but a date ditching you is something personal, whereas a release date being stretched due to a worldwide pandemic that might be out of her control (and since that could've happened and did happen last year, she could've decided to keep working on it). She's only getting a pass from me because of covid. But otherwise, either way, these two situations are completely different. This is more like when a pizza should take 8 minutes to bake, but ends up needing 2 minutes extra or 4 minutes extra. It's not going to inconvenience YOU by any way not to have an album you know nothing about yet out as quickly as YOU want. Imagine that pizza. Would you starve having to wait 2-4 extra minutes? No. The delay only truly inconveniences Lana and Interscope, which may be the point (if she's not friendly with Interscope like we think but who knows), but not stans who just got an album less than 4 months ago and a poetry book not even a year ago with an audiobook. 



    Yeahhhh except it costs money to make music. Time is money. She has to rent studios, spend time with producers which isn't free, and at the end of the day she runs a business. Yes, it's unprofessional, but what can we do? We still stan and buy vinyls and will continue to do so because the music tends to be high quality no matter what anyone says. She still outperforms anyone else in today's generation, both in the studio, lyricism, and live shows. 




    Umm can we stop with the wOrdWiDe PanDeMic excuses? Not anything personal to you btw. Dates for music festivals are announced, tour dates are announced, concert dates are announced. people are buying tickets set for a certain date, everything music and crowd related is being booked at a certain date. It's not spring nor 2020 anymore, stop blaming the pandemic on someone's delay. It's over. She looks like she started working on this album in May. Other artists released great albums during the pandemic without visible issues, vinyl presses were delayed and that's completely understandable but in Lana's case I highly doubt the pandemic was in her way for this album. 


    Also I can't belive the money excuse. Lana is a multi millionaire signed to a huge record label. She's not Lizzy Grant, Sparkle Jumprope Queen, May Jailer nor some struggling indie girl with 1000$ in her pocket and with her guy friends who are wannabe rockers for the instrumental. In my opinion she does not outperform in everything you mentioned, sorry. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    She’s going to say nothing all week and on July 4th, it’s really not on at all.  We should make it clear how we feel, but she cannot take criticism or responsibility for anything so it’s a lost cause. I’m also puzzled why her management can’t see our point of view that announcing multiple bogus release dates is confusing to fans, borderline emotional abuse and unprofessional.

    If she’s going to treat her fans this badly and not have decency to tell us what’s going on then why should we pay for her music and overpriced merchandise? all she needs to say is ‘dates changed again sorry, still working on the music to make it extra special love you all’ it’s not really that hard.  She doesn’t seem to be aware of how things affect other people it comes across as selfish. 


    Agreed except for the emotional abuse part. You're too sensitive or obsessive if you think that Lana not giving shit about her fans is emotional abuse. 


    Her behavior is unprofessional and disrespectful, she should post a quick story saying "7 days left ?" she doesn't even need to reveal anything about the concept but rather make it a surprise. If the album would not be released then she should just say "Sorry I'm not finished but stay tuned". She reminds me of that passive one sided friend we all have or had. 

    If she's making music for herself like some stans like to make excuses for her passive behavior then she shouldn't profit from it, sell albums and merch. 

  9. 7 hours ago, CinnamonGay said:

    I woke up. I had a dream. I am serious 


    Lana said "the album is coming . Be patient. It will drop on the expected date. It will have alot of oceanic vibes and moonlight vibes. It will be a night time album."



    And then I saw a publication reporting about the release of her album..



    I dreamed in 7th grade that Justin Bieber came to my school, took a picture with me and followed me on Instagram. Guess what? It never happened. 

  10. 9 hours ago, VioletBunny said:


    I was just thinking about how the controversies have affected her the past year or so and like, I really hate when fans say things like, and I’m guilty of saying this in the past but, “can she only talk about the music, enough with politics”. Like, imagine being Lana and pouring all your time and effort into making incredible music for your fans and they just water you down to a machine that churns out songs for them to listen to. Like, I’d be heartbroken if I was her and saw so many of my fans just openly dis her, even when they often agreed/understood what she was saying (e.g. qtftc). 

    Basically, I think Lana has obviously stopped putting a lot of effort into her eras and has truly started only making music for herself so we can’t expect any major budget videos or thought out release schedules. And it’s kinda our fault:(




    I don't think it's completely our fault. I think she's the type of person to be bat shit crazy in her 20s settle down in her 30s. Her music settled down with her. Even in 2019 when she received nothing but praise for NFR you can clearly see her starting to become more mellow before Question For The Culture and everything else. She was wearing a mall dress and looked more conservative and mature than her Hedy Lamarr edition. Some female singers are desperate in staying relevant and showing that they're on the same level as they were in their 20s while Lana isn't desperate and doesn't care about staying youthful and relevant. Rockstars have a similar pattern, their music is usually less and less relevant in their 30s, they're less relevant, their image becomes toned down and they don't care anymore about competing with the new ones but they're still a household name. If Lana promotes her album properly, puts a cute artwork and a couple of bops she does have to worry about pure sales. 

  11. 25 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Tik Tok is a cesspool of teens stripping and getting likes from pedo’s, and minimally talented ‘influencers’ getting paid shit loads for cringe inducing videos.  So it’s no wonder Tik Tok brings the worst out of this fan base. 


    TikTok really is a cesspool of teens. What you said was only the surface. Teens aren't worse than us but the problem is that social media platforms where they can be anonymous or partially anonymous made them feel more entitled to and woke culture distorted their world view. Instead of saying "School sucks" they play the armchair psychologist giving people lectures and engaging in woke debates that are completely unrealistic. Not to mention the unintentional grooming of sex workers flaunting their money and teens saying how they can't wait to do the same. I'm Gen Z and feel like a boomer because at their age we had Facebook and Instagram but people avoided debates because being woke wasn't trendy and it was and still is embarrassing if someone you know irl seeing you arguing online. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:


    and on top of that, there’s this weird projection of trauma-blaming and illustrating Lana’s past eras as her trauma - which is super inappropriate to insinuate. Like, why are you being the one to put all that out on the table when Lana herself hasn’t? I get why she’s so adamant about telling her own story on this album because I can imagine it’s pretty frustrating and pathetic to have critics - and your own misguided fans - do that for you (and incorrectly/defamatory too).

    Can’t wait for her to set the record straight in 10 days! :sass:


    I've heard something similar. Apparently some stans think we shouldn't celebrate and glamorize her old work because it's a product of trauma. In a sense that we shouldn't prefer UV over COCC because UV is allegedly in her darkest part of life and COCC is when she was the happiest. Okay? Hey moral police, who are you to decide what and how are we going to appreciate someone's work? The same people think that we shouldn't prefer her older work because she hid behind her persona more. I listen and love someone's music based on the music, not based on the artist's authenticity, mental health and period in life. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

    i hope the outro of the album is a spoken-word monologue by mike dean dragging every alternative & pop artist, every magazine, and every music publication, who's copied her style and ridiculed her, with a luscious variety of strings and fireworks blasting off, ending with mike & lana singing softly & beautifully, which will conclude the greatest album of revenge of our modern era tumblr_nf56u5T1Ad1sba90go5_400.gif


    Tbh Lana doesn't really seem like a conformational person, she's seems like a more passive aggressive type so I don't think her revenge will be good. I feel like female rappers are the best in doing that while Taylor's reputation era reminded me how kids view high school drama. I expect Lana to be more indirect. 

  14. 19 minutes ago, COCC said:


    On my way to that Serbian vinyl factory that keeps leaking everything :hottie:

    Let me know if you need a translator :brows:

    Also where tf is that factory when it comes to Lana's older albums I swear that every single vinyl shop has sold out everything but COCC and Violet and now I have to change my birthday present to Positions. :eartha2:

  15. 6 hours ago, 13beachess said:

    Please don't kill me now but I was really bored of the White Dress video :noparty:


    It's an overly simple video and her portrait shot of singing fading over the desert is giving me cheasy 80e music videos. Aesthetic who? Of course people don't find it special. The song is also kinda meh, non Lana fans don't really like her high pitched part. 

  16. 3 hours ago, lanasbottom said:

    why do i feel like this album will be a mess? there’s not a single good indicator or omen for now, her silence is deafening and can’t be good either…. god this will be ass won’t it ? :cryney2:


    Maybe it seems like that because we follow the "news" too much. Ariana Grande dropped her album out of the nowhere too and who knows what happened in the studio. The only thing that suggest that Lana's album will be a mess are the car selfies and the overly simple production but those songs could be only demos. 

  17. 5 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

    I mean, Lust for Life has, among its 16 tracks, the masterpiece that is Heroin, running at 5:56, among many other great songs above 4 mins so not necessarily :dua: 

    Unless Lana wants to jump in the terrible 2-min songs trend :bebe: 


    In my opinion a good long song is when you don't feel like +6mins passed, for example I listened Heroin today and has no idea it's that long, same for Black Beauty (5min) and Cruel World that's almost 7 minds long(!!) . I didn't notice how long are her songs in until my friend pointed it out. Meanwhile I think that Venice Bitch is unnecessary long but don't @ me lol.

    Hopefully she continues that unless she feels like dragging the songs just for the "atmosphere". I've already mentioned that Breaking Up Slowly is the only song from COCC that I genuinely like and replay and although it's abnormally short for Lana (barely 3mins) it's better than to drag it and turn it into background noise.

    I don't think that she will ever be following the 2min song trend because she had 5-7 min songs when everyone was having 3-4min songs. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Thinking about how she decided to be a Cancer right after she put the "Crying Crustacean" line in that poem and now she fully embraces it


    She's almost a cancer, literally born one day before cancer season but she always gave me major dark/bitchy cancer vibes, speaking as cancer myself. These memes literally have Lana's vibe. 



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