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Jaeden xx

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Everything posted by Jaeden xx

  1. This is helpful for the smaller things that I have missed thank you whoever made this
  2. leaving the trashy threads I've been in recently to say that this has to be the best thread that has ever come out of lanaboards
  3. this is actually a good idea if your being ironic umm I am stealing the idea but can I do this or just a mod? R.I.P Lana Lying In Lyrics 2023-2023
  4. Love Ultraviolence Honeymoon Diet Mountain Dew Cinnamon Girl (Love) Song Cherry Brooklyn Baby The Greatest Sure I missed some others though Not me thinking this was a crossword I was so excited
  5. I feel like an ancient archaeologist sometimes discovering lost history sounds silly but its the vibes
  6. me somehow creating controversy again
  7. Do we have the BAAHP event at Fordham footage & also I found a comment about AKA being In a Waxpoetics? magazine do we have this
  8. Now one of those comments interests me and I feel like im about to fall into the lyric dissection thread but u/sweetcarles said "enjoy spotting Lana’s AA references now. When you’re at a meeting and you need to get something off your chest, we call it a “burning desire” and when you relapse we say that you’re “off to the races” again." and I am about to start my dissection YES
  9. proof *insert raised eyebrow dog meme*
  10. Jaeden xx

    Selena Gomez

    Late time to link this but: https://www.capitalfm.com/news/selena-gomez-next-album-new-music/ We will be bopping
  11. Jaeden xx

    Miley Cyrus

  12. I asked my psychic Yeubola and she confirmed this to be true
  13. Bringing it to random discussion thread, but I think she could do an unreleased box set like this Lana Del Rey the unreleased collection Part 1: Cute Pop Tracks Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight, She's Not Me, BBM Baby, Playing Dangerous, You Can Be The Boss, St. Tropez, Queen of Disaster, Hollywood & maybe even some popular demos like the Diet Mountain Dew demos Part 2: Other Kinda Pop Tracks Serial Killer, Kill Kill, Ridin, Hundred Dollar Bill, Smarty, You Can be The Boss, Prom Song, Kinda Outta Luck, TV I Black & White Part 2: Slower Tracks Yes To Heaven, Pawn Shop Blues, Fine China, Dragonslayer, Crazy For You, California Part 3: Ultraviolence/Angry Tracks Your Girl, Velvet Crowbar Part 4: Something maybe a demos section or unheard unreleased section
  14. also if she over decides to release an unreleased album she will become a billionaire the fact that Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight has over 8 million streams on Soundcloud, Dragonslayer already has 37k listens on Soundcloud and 24k on YouTube . Even She's Not Me has over 1 million streams on Soundcloud like its obvious she isn't doing it for the money thats for sure
  15. the hold that she has on music but like no one I know IRL over like 35 knows her or listens to her? Her power
  16. bumping because she got approved
  17. Sorry but you are wrong! My dog's sisters owners cousins hamster's owners parents know a physic called Yeubola who lives in Iowa and she contacted Lana's deceased great great great great great grandmother from the pagan colonies & Roanoke and if we go digging at 40.729279, -74,037998 we will find a dusty old record featuring the albums trackleist so Yeubola went digging and found the LP and she says that the album is a country album masterpiece with Tommy genesises track being the best with beats including the John Wanamaker organ & whale birthing noisesso proved you wrong
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