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Everything posted by wildflowerwildfire

  1. Yeah I sent them my VAT refund request on june 13th and nothing yet…
  2. i’ve waited almost three weeks on an response from his uk store… i’ve messaged twice now. should i just give up or
  3. kinda sad that the pill case and whistle was such a money grab. there’s nothing that makes them unique. like anyone could buy them off amazon and get them engraved to look like the ones on her site.
  4. Why do we have to wait forever for merch to drop and then wait forever to receive it?
  5. where’s sweden not that i would be able to make it anyway but still
  6. i’ve waited two weeks now for his uk customer service to get back to me
  7. me and my boyfriend laid in bed and watched the whole performance on my phone i was so starstruck she sounded amazing
  8. i’m sad she was so late she didn’t get to finish her set especially since her vocals today were the best thing i’ve ever head
  9. the fact that i didn’t even get an email about the delay for the tit vinyl lmao
  10. my lighter came with soot marks on the inside like someone had used it
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