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grandpas glass

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Everything posted by grandpas glass

  1. Four Ben & Lana stories in a row. Either we get new music soon or they're secretly married.
  2. okay, if they were planning a midnight release in mid-Europe, it wasn't today
  3. maybe they're right: https://dbree.org/v/7d2416
  4. times when faces still looked real and there was no Photoshop or beautify app
  5. In October, just after she closed her official sm accounts, she started posting photos from her childhood as Honeymoon after a break of more than three years. And now again significant photos from her youth. Is this a sign, perhaps the closing of a circle?
  6. so pretty I bet she turned the head of every boy in her class
  7. I would really like to hear Hangin' Around in a finished version.
  8. NFR was a somewhat radical change, but relatively successful. I trust Lana and her producers to make something out of any music style, no matter how unusual, that will excite both critics and fans. You just have to give Lana enough time to fully develop creatively. BB might have been a great album, too, if the release hadn't been so sudden.
  9. Lana's songs are a 10, and a 15 if I take my pills
  10. Somehow, though, these are strange mental leaps. How does she get from her phone call with Annie to country music or her album? I still think it has to do with her visit to Bakersfield.
  11. "... to a girl who's already hurt?" She's so hurt (in her feelings) that not even a serial killer can harm her. This is meant metaphorically, of course.
  12. Winter is coming and people have to pay double or triple for gas in my country, electricity costs are rising. But they know that Russia is responsible for this, not their government. We have become too dependent, but we will not play Putin's game and finance his wars.
  13. no idea how I came across this Columbian singer some years ago
  14. Dealer is a 10, but Lana's performance makes it a 20
  15. https://open.spotify.com/track/5LCX1wM1PVSbAdMZOMWF6j?si=3a96744bf8e84234
  16. White Dress is a 10, but the wordy "Down at the Men in Music Business Conference" makes it a 9. Blue Banisters single is a 10, but the Picsart cover makes it a 9.
  17. Maybe they hint something for the album. A painting with a French cafe ... or is it a French Restaurant?
  18. pro - they could give you help or tips to improve your life con - lost anonymity public transport
  19. Her randomness could be a problem: for example, what if DNC were just three random letters with no real meaning?
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