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grandpas glass

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Everything posted by grandpas glass

  1. idk either, but she deserves one and it would take a load off her heart
  2. nfr was her last successful album, liked by critics and listeners (at least on Spotify). so for me it's no wonder that she gives Jack a new try, maybe also her best chance for grammy ambitions...
  3. Jack doesn't have to mean country, it can be surf music as well
  4. I made the decision that I can’t be with you Norman Fucking Rockwell
  5. it's not too late to release something in March
  6. Just do what you love Ultraviolence
  7. If you find any true statements about the future in Lana's lyrics, it's probably because they're sometimes a bit cryptic and ambiguous, as was the case with Nostradamus' texts. But actually, she writes more about things that have already happened, like the wildfires in California.
  8. she's a manifester that's much better
  9. maybe it happens because they're scrapping possible songs from the album...
  10. A joke on the cost of someone, especially on their appearance is bad. You can also not make a racist joke or something, I don't know how it's called in this situation. He maybe didn't know from her illness but even then it was not good. I also heard that he had some problems with Will's family before. I think in this situation Will reacted pure emotionally without thinking what he's doing and what consequences it has. That was not very clever, especially if the whole world is watching. But he later regretted it, and Chris hasn't filed a complaint yet, so I think they're at peace now. An emotional pain can sometimes hurt more than a physical one.
  11. I nominate this slap scene in the categories "Best Drama" and "Action"
  12. Put yourself in his wife's shoes, that was highly embarrassing and hurtful. Anyone who loves their partner would have done it. this is just a normal reaction if someone hurts the feelings of your partner
  13. Chris Rock rightfully earned this slap for his tasteless joke.
  14. Does this selfie with a famous burlesque artist give us a new direction for ldr9? She also knows how to quote the right songs
  15. Gibson Girl is pure heroin
  16. I see more thoughtfulness and inner reflection, also a preference for vintage art. But it's hard to tell if these are her purely private attitudes/interests or have to do with ldr9. Just the fact that she now only posts from her honeymoon account seems to blur all lines.
  17. according to a statement of @lustforlife I really expect something until the end of this month
  18. so what can her last two ig stories tell us? Lana rocks! again a reference to Marilyn, this time by account @thiswashollywood, so Hollywood and Hollywood's Dead confirmed for ldr9!
  19. I like the way he can keep an album coherent so that it sounds in a certain style throughout. It is no coincidence that he has already won so many Grammys.
  20. what? alone nfr is a masterpiece, best produced album ever
  21. So Rob is back in L.A. What was that for an important one day event, Rob, Lana and Jack had in SF? Important enough for his flight, or did Rob just post a photo Lana took?
  22. What aspects from BB or the albums before do you think will continue to play a role on LDR9? For example, I guess that, as in Arcadia or BBS, she'll continue to focus on her body, jugding from some intimate ig posts she made a few weeks ago.
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