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Jeanne Dielman

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Everything posted by Jeanne Dielman

  1. When it comes to describing the project, Lana used the term "Americana" back in September. In January she said she's going "country". And her most recent comment was that the album is more melodic (and less self-revealing, which doesn't mean that there won't be personal and/or complex songs btw) than COCC, BB and Ocean Blvd and more "American songbook"-like. So...I really don't think that it'll be an album full of toughs. And based on the aesthetics and her overall vibes this year, I'm not getting stereotypical yeehaw country vibes either!
  2. This is very addictive! I don't care for Quavo's verse (and voice, lol) at all, but the chorus is very catchy and melodic, and I really like the bridge, as well. The MV's grainy visuals are stunning. This will be a cute summer hit! It doesn't feel like the lead single of Lana's country era at all. It's giving Lasso appetizer though. Just a taste of what's about to come in terms of southern Americana aesthetics and the more melodic and chill vibes.
  3. Tough getting released along with the pre-order of an Americana/American songbook-inspired album on July 4th would be absolutely iconic.
  4. This could be a random stand-alone single...or it could be the lead of a short EP (Lana and Quavo as a "band"? Not to mention that they've also recorded Fly Away which has already been registered)...or the Lasso lead...or a stand-alone single aka Doin' Time that ends up on the album...or a Quavo single, lmao. Anyway, yes, an early/mid July release makes a lot of sense! The twitter insider told us that it's nearly impossible that Lasso be released in September, given that she hadn't finished the album in February. The ATRL insider said that Lana and Quavo recorded Tough in February, and it could be a late (?) addition to the album, and also pretty much implied that Lasso wasn't finished anyway, so...And now there's a rumour that the album will be released next spring, so she's probably still working on it? Would she release the lead single so many months before the album release? This is so confusing, lol.
  5. Apparently, yeah, lmao! Yes, this might be the direction she's heading in! Experimental, witchy, trap, american songbook, and country (with a twist). The recent photoshoot in New Orleans is giving swampy, urban, decadent, eerie sparseness. I'm very intrigued!
  6. Yeah, I think that the album will be far more eclectic and experimental than what we've been expecting it to sound like so far. The new song/intro definitely *can* exist on the same album with the likes of Zodiac. Lana almost included "pearl watch on me ring a bell psycho lifeguard" (5 tracks apparently, lol) on DYKTTATUOB's album title, and didn't put any of these tracks on the album at all. I wonder if they were leaning too experimental/weird and ended up getting replaced by the Jon Batiste tracks and Margaret, which were all very late additions. I mean, Jack said that Lana didn't want to release A&W. With the unanimous raves that the song received from fans and critics alike, I could see her getting a bit riskier and bolder regarding the next album. And Jack *did* say that they were heading into a very strange place artistically, implying that they've been experimenting a lot. Now, Henry, Come On is certainly giving Americana/folk/country/American songbook vibes, and the Luke Laird sessions must have been extremely productive, because she was very excited about that collaboration. I could see this segment being the prevalent one on the album - the same way the more diaristic stuff were the thematic core of DYKTTATUOB. And, on the other hand, we have Tough which sounds like a very exciting, fresh and fun summer bop - it almost feels like the natural continuation and expansion of the last three tracks of DYKTATTUOB (and the loose first half of Lust for Life, too). So...I really don't know what to expect from the album at all. If it's true that it's getting released next Spring, she's probably still working on it. It kinda explains why she's so hesitant when it comes to talking about it/describing it. I'm pretty sure that she didn't randomly include the new song/intro on the setlist, given that she also debuted Tough. There must be a connection.
  7. Given Lana's cryptic responses and overall uncertainty about "Lasso", the postponement makes complete sense, lol. She's probably been inspired a lot during the last few months, and she's been playing around with the album's direction. I kinda think that "Tough!" will be a stand-alone single, but probably a teaser of the more contemporary and fun segments of the upcoming album. Let her cook! Not to mention that the Ocean Blvd era feels incredibly fresh, unlike Chemtrails and Blue Banisters which were kinda over before they even started.
  8. I'm also getting strong AKA (and slight BTD) vibes in terms of aesthetics/looks, so you may be onto something. Nostalgic; decadent; deeply Americana; and undeniably Lana. She is notorious for being unable to describe her albums properly, lol, so I think we're in for several surprises. Also, her "jeez"/"where is Lasso going? I don't know"/"oh god" responses remind me of that interview when she admitted that she didn't want to put "A&W" on Ocean because she was very scared of the reception, and Jack was the one who pushed hard for its release. The last tracks of her previous album usually are an indication of the next album's scope/style. And "Tough!" sounds like a potentially playful - and very fun! - track. On the other hand, "Henry, Come On" (if that's the title of that song, lol) feels like an AKA throwback in many ways. And there are subtle country elements - lyrically or/and sonically - on both tracks. So, yeah, her definition of "country"/"Americana" must be quite loose, and there's probably been room for experimentation. There probably will be some "classic" Americana/country songs, as well, but I'm pretty sure that we are getting something a little bit wilder/bolder/stranger than expected.
  9. I am so confused. The NME interview was very bizarre, and so was her "oh my god" reaction to that fan tonight, lol. Apparently, the project *exists* (Antonoff called it "brilliant"), but there's something about it that makes Lana hesitant and unsure. Has she changed her mind about the album's direction and sonic style, or is she unsure about the critical reception? - Last spring, Antonoff mentioned that he and Lana are delving into a creatively exciting and very strange place. It seemed that he was implying that they have been cooking something experimental. - In September, Lana said that the next album would be more "Americana" with structurally and lyrically simpler songs compared to the more chaotic and excessively wordy Ocean tracks. - The first time she mentioned that she's going "country" was during that show when she gave an award to Antonoff. She also implied that "Lasso" has been a passion project that she's been working for 4 years, and Antonoff even traveled around several places in the U.S. with her, in order to write and record new music. - Lana worked with Quavo right after the Grammy's. - During the NME interview, she mentioned that the new songs are "American songbook"-esque. But she also sounded quite unsure about the album, not necessarily in terms of its existence, but mostly in terms of what it might evolve into (artistically), or in terms of critical reception. My two cents: When Lana (enthusiastically) mentioned that "Lasso" is a country album, she had her recent collaboration with Luke Laird in mind. She usually gets very excited whilst working on something very specific; remember her W Magazine interview that made us expect an album filled with "Fingertips"-esque tracks? - and it low-key colors her perspective, lol. So, while I do think that the "country" element will be there, I doubt that it's going to be *the* defining sound of the album, which might explain why she's gotten a bit hesitant when attempting to describe the album. "Americana" and "American songbooks" are different terms, that imply a much broader soundscape. Not to mention the Quavo collaboration and the "strange" stuff she's been working on with Antonoff (and who knows what else at this point), assuming all this stuff has been put together in one album. Another explanation would be that she has changed the soundscape of the album dramatically. In fact, there might not be strong "country" elements at all. Her reaction to how "quiet" the room went when she announced the album is quite telling. Did she get cold feet? Does she feel that she might be misinterpreted as someone who's simply following the trend? Who knows. The fact that she mentioned that the songs are more "American songbook"-esque means that she probably hasn't cancelled the album yet, though. But the Quavo collaboration - and who knows what else? - and her recent looks could be an indication of a completely different approach. Which leads me to a different interpretation of what she's been implying so far: what if the album is not a "typical" country/Americana album, and it's a little bit bolder/experimental or simply not easily categorized and defined in terms of its sound and style? Perhaps Lana is scared of the reception; critics and fans might be expecting something more "classic" or specific in general, but we are not getting that at all. "Cowboy Carter" was well-received, but what if she feels that she might be misunderstood (once again)? The "not following the trends" is a valid explanation of her potentially scrapping or changing the project a lot, but it doesn't sound very plausible, IMO. Assuming that it's been a passion project and taking into consideration her knowledge of the fact that the industry is going "country", I doubt that she's simply cancelling the entire project. I don't know what to expect at this point, lol. The latest IG post feels like a prelude of what's about to come in terms of the new era's aesthetics. It feels intensely contemporary and urban (the street/car photos), but also alluringly gothic, nostalgic and quite unsettling (the swamps, the trees, the diner etc.). This is a far cry from the generic "yeehaw" aesthetics, so maybe she's simply unsure about the overall reception to this potentially singular take on country/American songbooks/whatever's been on her mind lately? I think that the album is probably not coming in September - I'd say Spring 2025 is likelier -, because the album just keeps evolving into something stranger and more eclectic. The "Lust for Life" comparison might be apt: this could be a mixture of trap, experimental alternative, hip hop, country, and throwback Americana ballads. Or...maybe not! She's so random indeed...
  10. She literally looks like a 1960s country legend that is about to release a masterpiece of an album that will define the music industry. She seems so relaxed; so ethereal; so fucking iconic. I love her. This is a fantastic performance. And Cauthen is sensational, too.
  11. Margaret in / Hope is a dangerous thing out. (Jack stays) Let the Light In in / Candy Necklace out. (FJM takes Batiste's guest spot) Snow on the Beach in / Ocean Eyes out (Taylor instead of Billie) These are my predictions. Everything else on the setlist will probably remain untouched, although I''d love to be proven wrong. The mixing issues need to be fixed. Hopefully she'll mention Lasso...
  12. The 16-minute lead single of her transgressive genre-bending album, "Lasso: Behind the Iron Gates - Insights from an Institution, or Pearl Watch Me on Ring a Bell Psycho Lifeguard".
  13. This is such a huge deal. Like, if she pulls this off, this is going to be monumental.
  14. I cannot believe that we're about to experience this.
  15. The twitter insider said "no covers", not "no collaborations". I doubt that the Quavo song will be on the album though. But I *do* think that Lasso won't be a typical "country" album at all. I mean, she used the term "Americana" back in September, which is much broader than "country", and Lana isn't particularly reliable when it comes to describing her own music, lol.
  16. Remember what Lana said last September? Jack also said that both of them are heading into a very strange place artistically, and that Lana does not intend to conform, but will keep on pushing the boundaries and trying new things. Given that they've been working on Lasso for 4 years, this tidbit from Antonoff's Vulture interview is quite interesting: So perhaps Lasso will be structurally similar to Ocean Blvd? A more country/folk/Americana-oriented first half that slowly merges into something experimental and playful and genre-bending?
  17. It's a very interesting track. It's jazzy, retro, and yet refreshingly modern, spacey, and experimental. Hopefully this is a sign of what Lana and Jack have been cooking regarding Lasso: a playful reconstruction and a unique (and unquestionably Lana-esque) spin on a music genre.
  18. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/beyonce-texas-hold-em/
  19. These are slightly underwhelming. Texas Hold ‘Em is cute, but it should have been way shorter. 16 Carriages is stronger, but still far from top-tier, especially compared to Daddy Lessons which is a truly great song. I’m kinda worried, but hopefully Beyoncé will prove me wrong. Break My Soul was similarly underwhelming (still better though ngl) when I first listened to it, but Renaissance was terrific.
  20. According to an allegedly reliable insider, there are no covers on the album. But the album isn't finished, so anything is possible!
  21. mother is mothering etc.
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