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Everything posted by DZKSLEFTNUT

  1. Shouldnt you be at work providing for your family if we’re such children compared to you (most of us are 17+)? You got hungry kids to feed at home! Anyone can like what they want… music is subjective… period. That being said. Kintsugi is the best on the album!!!
  2. Not all of us are fighting FOR Lana. Not even fighting. Just pointing out how it’s kind of dumb to dissect a song lyric that isnt even that deep acting like she doesn’t care about Covid or som. Like in MJx’s experience one being uncomfortable makes total sense, but to all of a sudden make this whole thing a statement and jumping to conclusions is totally unnecessary.
  3. No exactly. The only people I foresee getting mad at this are people on Twitter who have nothing better to do than whine and make everything a political statement and get offended by everything. The only thing I can see is someone, like a user in here, who actually lost someone to Covid, or was heavily impacted by Covid in some way, being uncomfortable with it, but at least they’re being realistic and not making it some outrageous statement. Like they have every right to be uncomfortable with it.
  4. I think she was just making a hot lyric about current times. No political intention or anything bad behind it. I don’t think it’s really that deep to where we need to dissect it. I don’t think she’s saying she is afraid of covid. I don’t think she’s saying she doesn’t care. I don’t think she’s being careless. Its just a lyric
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