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Everything posted by DZKSLEFTNUT

  1. TAP boutta arrest every target employee named Ella and question them.. But on a serious note she would not put her job on the line like that. I wish though TAP don’t come for Ella
  2. Sorry it took a second but I figured it out the link was turning red but here’s right after she sent the Snapchat
  3. nope friend isnt a fan of lana just remembered that i have a vinyl on my wall and told me the truck came in and there was a bin of them
  4. No my friend wouldnt leak the album i wish though. Ill get my friend to send another pic when she works again next because it was on snapchat.
  5. Not my target employee friend sending me a pic of the vinyl in the back of the store… BRING ME ONE MF
  6. Hot take i hated the lyrics of the snippet and think it will be in the lower half of my album ranking. But that’s only 10 seconds lets hope it proves me wrong…
  7. I wonder if Kintsugi picks up at all considering the production credits list drums and synthesizer. I feel based on the title this could be my favorite…
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