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Sunset Opal

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Everything posted by Sunset Opal

  1. let’s all manifest together for news I feel that something is going to happen tomorrow
  2. To celebrate that I am going to learn Spanish language Lana should give us a umbrella song
  3. we know nothing we want something let’s manifest our energy and get’s something
  4. I know most of y’all don’t want WCE to be on the next album but I have a vision where that song just have a nice place in track list Peach Fuzz and Watercolor Eyes PLEASE
  5. Okay insiders it’s September now you can tell us something
  6. I am so confused Can we bring back lustforlife ? At least it was fun when he was here
  7. she can give us anything what she want and I am not gonna complain
  8. Okay can somebody give us those snippets of new leaks they might be good
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