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Jukebox Sweetheart

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Everything posted by Jukebox Sweetheart

  1. Pretty sure today is Rob's birthday too so...
  2. Manifesting more iconic hairstyles like the ones we got with k-12, ever since 2020 the hair has not been giving
  3. Where did that fake insider go who made up devil never cries? Miss your creativity babe
  4. Lana needs to bring back that vintage record-player sound effect for this album
  5. I thought Lana was pregnant for a minute
  6. This era needs an iconic look, like the flowers in the hair for LFL and the Chemtrails hair
  7. I was messing with an album name generator, and some of these would be great for LDR9: Blinded by fame Final breath The last laugh Greener grass Calm after the storm Love life Death of roses
  8. We're never getting MM3
  9. I heard someone say that this song is like white mustang, where violets are "violence"(Could be a callback to ultraviolence), so he made her trade her "violence" for roses. I'll never get over this interpretation
  10. Manifesting a cake with the album cover on it
  11. Last night I finally dreamt about LDR9(Some of my dreams do tend to come true so...) I don't remember much, but the album came out around September/October & the cover was B&W. She barely teased the album so nobody knew what to expect, but she released a high-budget MV with the album's release(I don't remember what it was about, I just remember it being really strange, the album was a big transition too.)
  12. I would also like to request that the cover be Lana in a Rococo-style painting(So excited for her Marie Antoinette era)
  13. What if she tries to pull an I Can Fly and puts Young and Beautiful on the album (I am manifesting and this era WILL be giving Young and Beautiful)
  14. Manifesting Rob announces his new piano ballad album on June 16th, and in his birthday post, Lana puts out an album trailer for LDR9!
  15. I think that Chemtrails is really good, but it reminds me of UV, where the first half is great and the second half isn't. I think that the MVs she put out and the overall aesthetic was really good/consistent, however, I think her MANY terrible decisions during that era messed up the album's perception, I still really like most of it though. JAIL Lana really doesn't mesh well with other female artists, I feel like her voice gets washed out in comparison. Also, Melanie and Lana would 100% fight each other, and their aesthetics + Billie's would clash in the most awful way.
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