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Posts posted by BartenderDeco

  1. 5 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I fell asleep for like 20 minutes and had this really vivid dream of posters of Lana appearing in different cities. It was the selfie™ but with big red letters saying MISSING and a phone number. When you called there was this voicemail of Lana screaming DO NOT CALL. I woke up scared for my life (like literally shivering) cause that scream wasn't human :icant:

    She really infiltrated my dreams like a succubus :bebe:

    obviously it was a selfie :sadcore:

  2. Just now, miamigardenclub said:

    i dont think its a parody of christian music but more of a song about her struggles with faith and her relationship with the lord that sounds like a parody because of how on the nose it is lol

    it’s a weird concept but i love it

  3. Just now, the ocean said:

    also not a controversial opinion but lust for life is definitely her worst album


    coachella is the soundtrack to my nightmares

    like did she think we’d get emotional over childrens parents, and parents children. like sing about a bigger problem

  4. 2 minutes ago, the ocean said:


    because they think being a "lolita" is cool


    and that the song is actually about being a "lolita"

    and now they’re taking the other woman…. we’re willing to sacrifice god bless america or something


    1 minute ago, Surf Noir said:


    people just don’t know how to interpret songs about dark subjects/can’t handle it, i don’t believe the song is problematic 

    like if you can’t handle it, ignore it and don’t try to cancel lizzy grant 

  5. 1 minute ago, the ocean said:

    also i apologize to my fellow lizzy stans for this next one


    aka is NOT my favorite lana album :bebe: (it is my second favorite one though)


    that title belongs to honeymoon that album cemented me as a lipster for life

    i’m just surprised that aka is on your top 9:eek: 


    Just now, mlittle11 said:

    ive never liked meet me in the pale moonlight honestly

    those vocals are so annoying, i think she was hinting at her yee haw era

  6. 3 minutes ago, the ocean said:

    since we're sharing controversial opinions :bebe:


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    i don't like cocc (the album) aside from the first three songs + dark but just a game + yosemite


    i can hear the workings of a good album in there but the production just is NOT good and this is the main reason why i shit on jack because i'm mad i don't like the album :azealia:


    i don’t like blue banisters, it feels so messy and all of the songs have different themes, instrumental levels and sound. and who told her to put that interlude in there, like it’s good but it would’ve suited lust for life or something


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